Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Bitcoin Network - Physical and Concpetual Network Relationships

The link addresses Bitcoin from a PointOfEntry:Value.  The link's explanation of Bitcoin and bitcoin, two different things is the greater real value of the the link beyond the financial value it presents.

The real value?  It is all about the model of the Internet and its Applications.  What is the "intrinsic value" of the Internet.  From what scheme of the relationship of Things does it derive an intrinsic value?

"Value:Intrinsic" is an ambiguous term.  It has one foot in the real physical world and another in a purely conceptual world.  The Thing:Object:Parent:Frame:Concept:Value is one of existence.  If the thing "Concept:Value" (extracted from its full line of Parent/Child inheritance lineage for the sake of convenience of specific examination) is examined then the classic question of investigation analysis is:  Value is the Object:Parent of what Objects:Children?

Sidebar note here:  What if I had said:  "Value is the Object:Parent of what ObjectOrObjects:Children of the Parent?  But that question itself is not a fully clear and accurate logical statement in Object:Oriented thinking.  A single Child of a Parent that has no other sibling children of that parent that differentiates the Children inherits all the attributes, methods and messages of its Object:Parent.  It is the same as or equal to its parent.  A sole single child of a Parent it redundant thinking.  It is a clone of the Parent.  It is the Parent.

Therefore to have conceptual difference meaning then AllThings must be Object:Children of at least two Parent Objects and that a sole single Object:Parent:Child  has no logical meaning except as a null object at the ultimate SingleExclusiveParent:AllThingsChildren?  At the other end of the spectrum there is another Object:Null.....The sole child of two Object:Parents.

In a circular way I seem to have gotten to the logical binary propositions on which computers and computing are based.  Either/Or, True/False, Neither/Nor, Present/Absent, On/Off.

What are the two TopLevel Object:Parents giving birth to all Object:Children?

1. Physical Real  (Domain:Physical)

2. Logical Conceptual (Domain Conceptual)

What is the sole single ObjectParent spawning these two Object:Children that are different in only one attribute?  What is the sole single Object:Child ultimately spawned at the end of the entire ObjectOrientedUniverse That goes to where I will not go.  The frame of my ObjectOrientedUniverse on a continuum from originating and ending with.......

The fundamental Object Oriented Partent/Child relationship structure of  of EveryThing

Is between:

TheFirstOnlySoleSingleObject:Parent:FirstChildren:TwoOnly(OneReal/OneConceptual) from which all Object:Children descend.....


TheLastOnlySoleSingleObject:Child that is the ultimate descendant of the FirstOnlySoleSingleObject:Patent?


From what common ParentSoleSingleObject:Thing do these beginning SingleParent and ending SoleChild descend?

Logical Conclusion Hypothesis:


At this point I return to thinking about the Bitcoin Network after taking the VeryLongWay around to SetDomainFrame for examination of the meaning of the originating Link.

To be continued as the BitcoinRabbit gets PulledFromHat.......

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