Friday, December 30, 2016

The PNAC Is Back With A New Fool Tool And Strategy 2.0

I pulled this link up from the prior post about Michael Ladeen.  It is by far the best recap of a long trail of history that has driven us through its principal players to the world of chaos that we are in today.  All the usual suspects from PNAC are crawling back out from underneath the rocks to again grasp the reins of power to protect the Realm.  The Realm ain't the Homeland.

This morning I read this Paul Jay interview link:  I am increasingly admiring Paul Jay's journalism.  The truthiness meter of the interview is off the scale.  It covers the history and scope of implementation from PNAC to today.  What was sought in the PNAC has substantially been accomplished.  Iran remains.

Signers of the PNAC rose to power during the Bush administration.  They had a tool fool in the Whitehouse to manipulate.  The same names are back again but on a different playing field which looks like the Super Bowl where the final game will be played out that will determine the future of the world as dictated by a World Power.

There are two camps to this world power:  The 1% and everyone else.  1% is the meme of the super rich.  Money, those that have it among the less than 1% is the logistic tail behind the tip of the spear.  Working closer to the tip are those that are funded by the special interest 1% behind them grouped in domains and agendas from oil to international trade to the arms industry to privatization of public entities to Israel.  While the mysterious special interest hand of the market works behind the all the former entities, It is not mysterious when power jointly focuses on a political agenda stated in an official document of purpose.  It was stated in a full page ad and signed by all those involved.......PNAC.

Now we are to have a bigger fool tool in the Whitehouse to be manipulated by the same few to serve their agenda.  The old names are now surfacing again as well as their acolytes in the younger age group.  They are all surfacing again in a new age with new media tools to fight for their agenda that are far beyond the old ones like a full page ad.  Call it full spectrum media domination.  Dominating media from the bottom up like never before as well as from the top down in the traditional manner.  Fox news seems to have been born or at least blossomed during the Bush administration.

Starting with the link at the beginning of this blog entry I wondered where it would lead by taking a look at where the old names are today.  A quick Google look at recent events brings them all up.  Don't they ever die?  They live on like Dick Cheney!  Zombies!

I found a surprise.  Many names are aligned with Trump.  Being selected for Trump positions.  Other prominent neocon names are lining up anti-Trump.  Is this some kind of Kabuki theater?  The only thing it could result in is.....greater division.  Greater division as in "Divide and Conquer".

Leaving the sites that are the first two links in this blog entry that I intended to come back to and extend my thoughts on after making the usual rounds of the World Wide Web.......

Sidebar here:........WWW or "InterWeb" as you please if you do not understand the difference between Internet and WWW.  One is telephone system physical device.  The other is what we communicate on it via Web Sites nodes identified by IPv6 numbers.  The two together are InterWeb.  What is important is the communication that they facilitate in the Information Age.

First stop this morning:  Democratic Underground.  Maybe the Joe Six Pac site for world affairs.  I judge the site and target audience by its number of F bombs.  Democratic Underground gets 4.5 in a six pack of.....this is a total number that may be hard for many readers of the site to figure is.....6!  I go to a wide range of sites on the Web for many reasons.  Many are person on the street places.  It is after all the person on the street that elected (not by majority) Trump making them the most important majority.

At DU this morning I found these two links with old names from the PNAC:  Conservative Charles Krauthammer on Trump.  The attributed link is: John Moffitt:

This link was on the same page on DU: David Frum: Russian-hacked material did damage -BECAUSE- Russia found a willing accomplice in Trump.  The attributed source of the link is the Atlantic:

Background on Frum from 2003: – Exposing the Project for the New American Century 

Frum from 2003:  "4. The Split on the Right. But it is worse. Conservatives are fighting each other on the front pages of their own magazines. National Review writer David Frum made the argument public with a banner denunciation of any conservative with reservations about the invasion of Iraq. Those conservative intellectuals and activists opposed or even those critical of it before the fighting or even those who mentioned that protecting Israel’s interests could complicate matters were all labeled paleo-conservatives and pushed off to the nutty fringe."

This is a link to a list of neo-conservatives that turns over the rock from which they crawl:  
 Another list:  
“David J. Frum (born 1960) is a former speechwriter for President George W. Bush”
Frum is widely cited as having authored the phrase “axis of evil,” “
Frum’s latest book, An End to Evil, was co-written with Richard Perle. It provided a defense of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, and advocated regime change in Iran and Syria
Frum writes a weekly column for Canada’s National Post newspaper and is a commentator for American Public Radio’s “Marketplace.” His writings appear frequently in the New York Times, Italy’s Il Foglio, and the Daily Telegraph. He also writes a blog, David Frum’s Diary at the National Review Online Web site.”

This recent reminder of history lesson about the PNAC that has been unlearned.  Lessons unlearned lead to......?  via forgotten truth?  Truth that was buried by those that killed it?

He's Back, they are all back.  Last year this link was wondering where Perle was.  Working in the background unseen to elect another fool tool.

This time there seems to be a new strategy:  Some old hard line neo-cons split off to be pseudo anti-Trumpers.  It is an old game plan to plant goons with true allegiance to the Realm but posing as friends in the opposing entity.  What do these covert goons do?  Create division in the ranks!

What happens when the division in this country reaches the breaking point over the election of our president?  When we get to the Brexit Point?  What happens anywhere when our own foreign policy and support puts strongmen in power?  Some strong man must take that seat of power.

I fear that there are too many Generals surrounding Trump.  What would they do when they see the country going into chaos?  Defend the Constitution and restore order of course.  Restore  By the means at their disposal.  

Maybe the PNAC list of regimes to be toppled had one more nation name on it?

We have met the enemy and they are us!

I refer to what I have often written about in this blog in the past.  The story of how to skin a cat.

There is a bloody way and an elegant way.  The bloody way is the traditional way.  The elegant way is to induce the cat to skin itself.  Set it up cleverly by making is so afraid of something that all that is necessary to get it to jump out of its own skin is to sneak up behind it and say:  


The separation of the skin from the body kills the cat as it jumps out of itself.  

Conceptually it is the same thing that happens to us as a nation when the skin of our emotions, what we feel, jumps out of our body which is reason.  Emotion is malleable.  Hollywood makes money on it.  Reason is a logic sort of thing.  A truthy based thing becoming as malleable as emotion.

Our hearts lead us to do the right thing based on sound reasoning.  Create hate and discontent, question what sound reasoning is and eliminate or obscure the base on which to analyze it for truth then they enable rapid change, revolution, upon which the instigators can seize power to realize their objectives.
“There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.”
 -----George Bush

Is Trump the fool... or us?

“The first time I met Bush,” said “Prince of Darkness” Richard Perle, “I knew he was different. Two things became clear. One, he didn’t know very much. The other was he had confidence to ask questions that revealed he didn’t know very much.”[32]
...........------Richard Perle

“We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq.” He continued to say that all those disastrous events “swung American public opinion in our favor.”[18]  [18] “Report: Netanyahu says 9/11 attacks good for Israel,” Haaretz, April 16, 2008. ---Benjamin Netanyahu

I copied that statement in quotes.  Meaning that Benjamin Netanyahu actually, truly said right after the 9/11 attack.  In this time of fake news and fake truth things in quotes attributed to anyone should be what they actually truly said.  Confirmed by hearing it.  Yesterday I found a link about software to put things in people's mouth they never said!

Quotes extracted from context can be ambiguous or mean whatever anyone extracting them may intend or imply them to mean.  "Reported"  is the operative truthy word used.

Question Authority!  Probably said it.  Probability is an ambiguous thing but about the closest that anything can come to absolute truth and that is probably true......??

It looks to me that the Realm is getting everything in wanted in the PNAC plan.  Looks close enough to tell the truth about what Israel is and what Israel does.

One of the tests of truth is to accurately and consistently predict (or cause?) future outcomes of known entity attributes through application of what those attributes know how to do as methods and accomplish  implementation results by sending messages to other entities to invoke relationship with them to apply their known attributes, methods and messages in response to result in a predicted outcome.

Works every time in the scientific domain.  Most of the time in the social science domain that  deals with a much higher degree of ambiguity.
Weaponized Narrative
Some history including Saudi Arabia here.  Did Saudia Arabia latch on to the PNAC plan as well?  How encompassing is the Realm?  : "Behind the combined clout of politically influential Israel and financially powerful Saudi Arabia, the script was written for U.S. politicians, pundits and officials to recite: “Iran is the chief sponsor of terrorism.” 

In another era they would have signed on to a resolution condemning an un-German vote.  The country of allegiance is known by the salute.  Their country, their ideology uber alles, right or wrong.  Oppression and genocide are wrong.  Of course they must oppose those that a condemn it. 

Weaponized Narrative:
"Weaponized narrative seeks to undermine an opponent’s civilization, identity, and will by generating complexity, confusion, and political and social schisms. It can be used tactically, as part of explicit military or geopolitical conflict; or strategically, as a way to reduce, neutralize, and defeat a civilization, state, or organization. Done well, it limits or even eliminates the need for armed force to achieve political and military aims."

Israel dominates this BattleSpace domain.  The USA is gaining expertise as a student of the master.

Telling it like it is:

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