Saturday, July 16, 2016

Hillary, Federal Spending

This is a place holder for future comment.......parsing ambiguity of the content might be more accurate.  What is the meaning of what Hillary says?  Why, it can mean anything you want it to mean!  Yes, but what is she saying with the direct intentional intention, (just to emphasize planned intent!) of creating wiggle room in a wide degree of ambiguity what become a past statement that after the fact can be interpreted to mean exactly what she meant it to mean?

At first reading it looks to me like the "revenue stream" she talks about means coming from private enterprise.  Big Private Enterprise.  Qui Bono? Maybe on the other hand she means something in the nature of the common welfare of benefit to to the public, we the people?

Hillary Clinton:
"I have put forth ways of paying for all the investments that I make, because we do have the entitlement issues out there that we can’t ignore. But we are failing to make investments that will make us richer and stronger in the future. And that’s where I think our biggest gap is.
I think it’s important that we look for ways to pay for our investments. But I think there can be short-term decisions about the kind of federal dollars that are available now, with a revenue stream to pay them back in the future that would bridge the gap if we can’t do everything we need to do to really give the economy and job creation the kind of boost that it needs.
But I’m not going to commit myself to that because I would like first to figure out what we’re going to do, because I think we’ve had a period where the gains have gone to the wealthy."

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