Thursday, July 28, 2016

Free Trade Agreement Massacre and Hillary Clinton

This link dated 2014

"Five years ago (meaning 2009) last week, Peruvian police opened fire on indigenous people protesting the implementation of U.S.-Peru Free Trade Agreement (FTA) terms providing new access to exploit their Amazonian lands for oil, gas and logging..............The protestors were demanding revocation of decrees enacted to conform Peruvian law to FTA requirements.............The FTA’s foreign investor privileges also allowed a U.S. firm to pressure Peru’s government to reopen a smelter that had severely lead-poisoned hundreds of children in La Oroya, Peru — a story revealed in a Bloomberg exposé.................The Baguazo, as Peruvians call the 2009 massacre, was caused in part by Peruvian President Alan Garcia. His decrees implementing the FTA violated the rights of indigenous people established both under the Peruvian Constitution and treaties Peru had signed guaranteeing prior informed consent by indigenous communities on projects involving their land........Thanks to WikiLeaks, we can now see that the U.S. government was urging Garcia on.......Four days before the killings, a State Department cable addressed the growing indigenous protests, stating, “Should Congress and President Garcia give in to the pressure, there would be implications for the recently implemented Peru-US Free Trade Agreement........What has become known as the “Amazon’s Tiananmen” brought the realities of the U.S.-Peru FTA into sharp relief. Rather than being a new trade agreement model, as it was sold, at the FTA’s heart were the same extreme investor rights that animated the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)."

Read the entire link.  Good example not only of things to come but the hidden truth of past deeds revealed by Wikileaks.  Trump may be guilty of "Espionage" by asking Putin to reveal Hillary's emails, if he has them, I would bet he does, but revelation of the truth of what our people in government are doing is a good thing.  If the end justifies the means of asking an enemy to reveal the truth of what is being done by the politicians and agencies of our own countries then let it be done.   Those same people and agencies may take the position that we don't really want to know how the sausage is made and for whom and therefore keep it secret.  We have a right to know what our government is doing.  Does that only apply to what the government does domestically?  What our government does internationally affects us in a most serious manner domestically!  Does he have to go to Putin to get the truth?  Trump is despicable and repugnant but this situation is bizarre.

It is a weird situation where Trump asks Putin to cyber attack to discover the truth of Hillary's emails on her private server.  What if he had asked the NSA instead?  Would that be treason?
"he called for state-sponsored Russian hackers to conduct cyber espionage on the United States for his electoral benefit."

More on the massacre from Wikipedia: a wealth of linking info at the end.  "Years later, thanks to WikiLeaks, it was shown that Washington shares responsibility for the bloodshed as a U.S. State Department cable warned Garcia that "there would be implications for the recently implemented Peru-US Free Trade Agreement” if the protests aren't dealt with. Another cable actually blames the violence on the Indigenous communities."  “At the root of this crisis are social movement leaders seeking to make political hay by manipulating underlying grievances — mostly entrenched poverty and encroachment on traditional lifestyles by the modern world,” a leaked cable read.

Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State 2009-2013.  On January 21, 2009, Clinton was confirmed in the full Senate by a vote of 94–2.  The massacre was June, 2009. Activists Expose Hillary Clinton's Complicity in Bagua Massacre, Support for TPP and Other Job-Killing Trade Deals At Book Tour Kickoff.

From the link:
Read Hillary Clinton's article in Foreign Affairs on the Asian-Pacific Pivot,the Korea-US FTA, and the TPP.
Hillary Clinton Touts Korea, Panama, Colombia, FTAs, TPP at Speech to Council on Foreign Relations on Last Day in Office as Secretary of State

This link of April 2016:  Hillary evidently paved the way as Secretary of State.  As President I believe most certainly that she will support and pass TPP with some cosmetic changes claimed to be major changes that makes TPP a good thing for all of us.

Mark my words.  Time will tell.
"But I'm in the same position where Senator [Tim] Kaine is," he continued, referring to Clinton's running mate, who came out against TPP in its current form after previously speaking positively about the deal without explicitly endorsing it. "We don't support it unless she says the changes that she wants are made. So unless the changes are made, she doesn't support it. President [Barack] Obama does want this, as you know."

Make some cosmetic changes and pass it!

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