Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The U.S. is at last facing the neocon captivity

The subject line of this blog entry is the same as this link written by Philip Weiss.  I believe that what he presents is the is and accurate and truth based analysis.  The unpleasant truth about the neocon agenda carried out by Jewish interests.  The only thing that he does not cover is the Christian Fundamentalist support of the same Jewish interest.  What he says is the raw truth and absolutely needs to be said, analyzed by all and conclusions drawn about what really is the truth about the self serving special interests of our country with allegiance to the agenda of Israel that has gotten the USA into what I will just call a Middle East Mess that is a tragic mistake that puts Israel first.  That of course is the Israel agenda.

The truth is so obvious.  Written on the wall.  So are the names of Americans that have died for the self serving agenda of others who are Americans, Foreign Nationals and Americans with primary dedication to the agenda of a foreign country.

Israel and neocon capture of the U.S. has driven U.S. policy and actions that make is a vassal state of a rogue nation that deserves pariah status.  Israel is the root cause of the "Middle East" problem.

The solution is not found in restructuring of Arab states to serve the interest of Israel.   U.S. policy has been captured by the interests of Israel (and American Fundamentalist that support it).  Solving the problem starts with a change in U.S. policy.  What policy changes are necessary depends on first recognizing the truth of the situation and the best interests of the U.S.

Then.......let the chips of truth fall where they may and act accordingly.

What is this war all about?

Like so many others this is a war between truth that is premised on some degree of real world fact and faith that is premised on some other than real world based fact but on any conceptual belie  structure of choice.

Here are my two cents. We invaded Iraq because a powerful group of pro-Israel ideologues — the neoconservatives — who had mustered forces in Washington over the previous two decades and at last had come into the White House were able to sell a vision of transforming the Middle East that was pure wishful hokum but that they believed: that if Arab countries were converted by force into democracies, the people would embrace the change and would also accept Israel as a great neighbor. It’s a variation on a neocolonialist theory that pro-Israel ideologues have believed going back to the 1940s: that Palestinians would accept a Jewish state if you got rid of their corrupt leadership and allowed the people to share in Israel’s modern economic miracle. - See more at:

Here are my two cents. We invaded Iraq because a powerful group of pro-Israel ideologues — the neoconservatives — who had mustered forces in Washington over the previous two decades and at last had come into the White House were able to sell a vision of transforming the Middle East that was pure wishful hokum but that they believed: that if Arab countries were converted by force into democracies, the people would embrace the change and would also accept Israel as a great neighbor. It’s a variation on a neocolonialist theory that pro-Israel ideologues have believed going back to the 1940s: that Palestinians would accept a Jewish state if you got rid of their corrupt leadership and allowed the people to share in Israel’s modern economic miracle. - See more at:

The best thing about this political moment in the U.S. (if not for the good people of Iraq) is that the rise of ISIS and the Republican candidates’ embrace of the Iraq war is posing that deep and permanent question to the American public, Why did we invade Iraq? - See more at:

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