Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Stop The Conflation of Internet With World Wide Web (WWW)

Explanation of the word Conflation at this link.

This is important:  Stop conflating the Internet with the World Wide Web.  The Internet is one thing.  The World Wide Web is another.  They are related at the most fundamental level but are two different things and must be understood as two independent related things in order to understand their relationship.  Failure to do that causes ambiguity.  At the root of all computing and use of computers is the reduction of ambiguity of form and function.  Stop the ambiguity so we all have a better understanding of the technology that is so important to our lives!

Conflation is a noun.   Its definition:  The process or result of fusing items into one entity; fusion; amalgamation.  The nature of Internet and the World Wide Web should be taught in every first grade classroom like the ABC's.  Any adult that cannot distinguish between the two or use the two words interchangeably failing to be accurate in which one they are really talking about should go back to first grade and learn the difference before they are allowed to use a device connected to the internet to access the World Wide Web.

I have commented on this in prior blog entries.  

Sir Tim Berners Lee created the World Wide Web. 

The origins of the Internet date back to research commissioned by the United States government in the 1960s.

Wikipedia explanation link follows: 
"The World Wide Web enabled the spread of information over the Internet through an easy-to-use and flexible format. It thus played an important role in popularizing use of the Internet.[25] Although the two terms are sometimes conflated in popular use, World Wide Web is not synonymous with Internet.[26] The Web is an information space containing hyperlinked documents and other resources, identified by their(URL) URIs.[27] It is implemented as both client and server software using Internet protocols such as TCP/IP and HTTP. "

For computer illiterate; A hyperlink, commonly called a "link" is a thing to click on to go to a related website.  Every website in the world has a unique descriptive name as well as a unique associated number (URL) that is used by the internet of computer devices to know where to go in the World Wide Web.  Collectively, all websites in the world are the World Wide Web.

Thank you, Sir Tim Berners-Lee.

Timothy Karr wrote this about Facebook and Internet.org.

This is a description of what Internet.org is.

Wikipedia describes Internet.org:

"A partnership between social networking services company Facebook and seven mobile phone companies (Samsung, Ericsson, MediaTek, Microsoft, Opera Software, Reliance and Qualcomm) that plans to bring affordable access to selected Internet services to less developed countries by increasing efficiency, and facilitating the development of new business models around the provision of Internet access.[1][2]"

"Internet.org"  Is a WWW website name.  It applies to the association between an entity that does WWW business (Facebook) and a group of entities that all do Internet communication business.  

Timothy Karr makes the distinction between the Internet and how a WWW business wants to use it to fence off its own WWW related (paying to play) associate entities to be the only entities on the WWW to be accessed by those that are given free access to the Internet communication system aka: The Internet of connected computers that enable communication with the entire WWW.

It is about Net Neutrality.  A concept that should be taught in second grade. 

The situation is like "Close Encounters of the Third Kind".  However in this case we are having and encounter with something that we (the brilliant among us) have created but is not understood by the rest of us that have to figuratively go back to first grade in order to understand it.  Like the movie we, the general unaware population are compellingly drawn to it, are in awe of it, but do not understand it.  It therefore will dominate us like an alien landing on our planet to take control of us.

The beauty of the movie was that an alien entity landed on our planet to educate us all starting with first grade to learn and control a technology to enhance our lives, not control or restrict the lives of any segment of our entire population.

However, the sequel to the movie, if there was one, might have taken a darker turn if the alien intent was to teach us just enough to be hooked by the technology user interface (analogous to the WWW) without understanding the nature of its underlying communication structure (analogous to the Internet) and that we ultimately became controlled by management of where we could go in using the technology through the system that provides access.

Think about it.

Does this sound like being expelled from the Garden of Eden by means of denying access to a forbidden fruit.

 Truly biblical in proportion leading to all kinds of interesting implications of the role that human beings with great power over such matters intend to play.  They however are not god unless we allow them to play god.

We allow them to play god when we do not understand what they are doing and ambiguity is their tool to disguise it.

Something of third kind in a world where there are fundamentally two conceptual elements of human consciousness: 

Thing Object with two natures



Where those two elements relate or are brought together in a trinity relationship among a thing with two natures (Subject/Object) and and action that joins them to create abstract Subject/Action/Object meaning.

Introduction of a "Third Kind" elevates the nature of it all to a whole new level, whatever that may be but we are all in the first grade to find out what it is.  We will never progress in our learning until we grasp the relationship nature of physical object entities to conceptual object entities and the actions that connect them.  Taking the great leap forward into a new world that this presents to us will fall short if we do not understand the fundamentals that will get us there.

Our reach will exceed our grasp.

Stated as the epitaph of the human race it might be:

"Their reach exceeded their grasp".

Robert Browning used the phrase in his poem.  The use however was contextual and the meaning derived from the context of reaching for dreams.  In another context however the meaning may be that when the things we reach for and grasp in the physical sense of using them are not grasped in their under laying conceptual nature of understanding the thing what we are using our reaching action has exceeded our grasp of the thing we reach for.

When the action of reaching becomes the dominant element in the trinity of a Thing with the dual nature elements of Subject/Object connected by the action element then we have lost sight of what we are reaching for.  The meaning of the action is in understanding the truth of the object.  When our reach action exceeds knowledge grasp of the nature of the subject truth thing joined to the nature of the object truth thing we are reaching for then our reach has exceeded our grasp and conceptually we have failed.  

It is like Wile E. Coyote attempting to jump a canyon and failing to make the distance.  His reach for the other side exceeded his grasp of the truth of Mass, Speed and Gravity.  The name Wile E. Coyote is a play on words.  Wily Coyote was "Wily" meaning crafty in the use of actions to catch Road Runner.  

Wile E. Coyote was action oriented without adequate grasp of the objects used in his actions to catch Road Runner.

Road Runner was object oriented and understood that knowledge of object relationship in his environment could always be used to defeat the actions of Wile E. Coyote that did not understand the knowledge of objects in his environment but only the action of catching and eating to satisfy want.

How did I get to a cartoon when I started out with the Internet and the World Wide Web?

Beats me.

Am I Wile E. Coyote or Road Runner.

Which one do I reach to be and what does it have to do with grasp?

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