Thursday, September 4, 2014

J. D. Alt -- Architect

Bank Dollars and Sovereign Spending -- J. D. Alt

J. D. Alt is an architect, therefore I like the way he thinks.   He thinks structurally.  Putting things together in a working relationship based on design parameters that specify physical properties dictating what can be done to create structures that will meet design requirements:  Buildings that do not fall down which is called a big fail in architectural circles, I am sure, but beyond that buildings that satisfy purpose needs where success is measured not by falling down but how much and how well the building or other designed structure itself contributes to the physical and aesthetic purpose of itself and what it is used to do.

That is what traditional architects do.  Their tools are blueprint structures using the precise language of architecture.

J. D. Alt writes about money and monetary systems.  He also wrote a book on Amazon.  "The Architect Who Couldn't Sing"  He was also in the navy.  Probably lived in ship 24/7 that was designed by engineers based on science and built based on the design to do extremely well what it was intended to do.  In addition to doing whatever he does in the architectural profession he also writes about money, frequently at Naked Capitalism and New Economic Perspectives.  I enjoy reading what he writes.  It is structural.  However the structures he creates use the language of narrative.  That is far different than the language of architecture, unfortunately because architecture is a far less ambiguous language.  Like math is far less ambiguous in presenting a math formula than trying to present a translation of the formula in a natural language.

If only J. D. Alt would, and I am sure that he could, present his thoughts on monetary structure in the language of architecture design and implementation.  That would make him an Information Engineer.  We live in an Information Age but the architects of this age who would logically be called Information Engineers, the ones at the top of Design Command and Control are not called Information Engineers.  They are the top people in entities that deal with information structures from pure information system design to implementation.  Most easily seen in the hardware and software that creates and maintains information applications and/or makes them possible.  An information system that is fundamentally divided into Operating Systems and Application programs.

J. D. Alt does the best he can using natural language narrative to describe how a complex information system called money operates.  Its operating system and application programs in the broadest terms.  He might do better talking with other money system information engineers but that would not be successful as talking to other chemists or airplane designers.  That is because money is more of an arcane black magic art than science designed to benefit greatly the designers of black magic systems.  Systems that cloak themselves in mystery and deception to protect themselves from architects that would expose how they would work by blowing away the smoke and mirrors with clear, concise structured design based on the laws that dictate their applications.  He might as well attempt to explain how and why an airplane flies to his fellow passengers on a flight.  If it does not crash then they don't care.  When it does it is too late anyhow.

Systems and structures, good ones that are well designed to serve us, that stand the test of time and accomplish design objectives are created by genius.  Their design to a great extent facilitate adoption and use by those that who would not even begin to understand the operation design and application any more than they would understand a computer operating system and its applications.  They would however understand the movie or credit card statement that the system delivers.  Some users might even understand that there is a difference between an operating system and an application program.  Others could care less, they only see the movie or worry about paying the bill.

Bill Nye and Neil Degrasse Tyson are good at explaining science and its application.  They might even run for president/vice president.  It would probably be good for the country.  Maybe they could explain politics as well as they explain science.  However since politics is black magic the job they would have as political leaders is exposing the system.

While two of the brightest bulbs in the 6 pack might do well in bringing science to a political system, J. D. Alt has the most challenging problem domain of creating logically structured design and implementation of a monetary into reality.

I think that the only way we will get a monetary system design that serves society well is crises.  At the time of crises, I mean total collapse of the world wide money system, a reset, a reboot, a new system to replace the old one that should have evolved but did not and dies like a dinosaur but in a much shorter time frame will emerge.  It will be the design of those that see the crises coming.

Who will those people/entities be?

Those will be either the ones that will benefit most from their own design
Those that will contribute selflessly to a new open source system that will benefit the entire world.

J. D. Alt and engineers like him would be among the latter group.  It would not have many politicians or banksters in it.  Not many of them would be around anymore, I would hope.

Without reference to Wikipedia this is what I think Architecture is in relation to a monetary system.

Architecture is a broad design approach to a system incorporating its objectives and stakeholders interests.  A top down process of conceptual creation that is implemented by a bottom up fundamental building block assembly on a sound foundation.

Our debt money system is a broad top down design specification and objective implemented by construction based on a building block unit of the dollar as the representative unit of debt built on a shifting foundation of sand.  The shifting foundation is that the unit comes into being when a loan is made and is extinguished when the loan is repaid.  The pyramids were not built on this approach.  The blocks that were laid are still there.  Still components of the structure.

Our monetary system structure must be built on asset based money units to serve the objectives of the users of the system.  That is us, not the banksters that would manipulate the system for their agenda and in fact created the system with design purposes of manipulation.  This is the proposed building block of an asset based monetary system architecture:

Digital uniquely identified by serial numbered units of money with a value of one each that are persistent objects in the monetary system that never go out of existence but are a central record of all dollars.  The central record is a fixed record that only changes its association with a current owner having an account.  It always knows the current owner as well as all historical owners in a block chain of ownership.  The owners account is a separate record maintained by an entity of the owners choice that is the aggregate of all dollars owned that is related to each one dollar unit in the digital serialized dollar data base.

It is simple object oriented Information Engineering Architecture that I have written about from the beginning of this blog.  Architecture that will build a solid universal monetary system that will exist until such time as there is no longer need for a monetary system as a means of resource allocation decision making.

Here is a fundamental conceptual design idea:  Money does not flow.  Money does not move from place to place.  Money is a static thing.  Once a unit is created it exists forever.  Only owners of the monetary unit change as a function of the medium of exchange that involves a transaction between two accounts.  That transaction is an aggregate amount of dollars (maybe only one or decimal portion of one called small change) that relates to the unit dollar central record by changing the pointer of each unit dollar necessary to accomplish the transaction to the unique account of the new owner of the unit dollar (or decimal fraction).

Money does not move or change.  It is a solid stationary block that always knows who the current owner is.  It always knows the chain of previous owners.  The current owner may be "Adminstrator" for systemic real time expansion/contraction control of the total dollar data base.

I think that J. D. Alt would like it.  

The idea is this:  Conceptually, the monetary system is like a building composed of unique serialized digital dollars.  People enter, people leave, people transact business there with their accounts exchanging ownership of the dollar building blocks as a medium of exchange to accomplish their public and private goods and services buy and sell decisions. 

There is one area where the technical elite are Information Engineering the designing and implementation of an operating system and application programs right under our noses that is extremely complex, just like an operating system, extremely accurate and well documented as well as extremely well protected by internal security and external smoke and mirrors that evade public scrutiny.  There is design architect genius at work in building a surveillance system.  It is a public/private enterprise as much as the banking system.

Leahy's "US Freedom" ????  How blatant can hiding the true nature of the Surveillance Information System be before we recognize it for what it is and what it will do.  When politicians either are dupes or team up with the technical designers of the system that have their own agenda of what is good for them and the citizens there is a bad moon rising.

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