Thursday, September 4, 2014

Interceptor Cell Towers

This link to interceptor cell towers with a map of located towers.  It has an explanation of what they are but they are just spoofing cell towers to either identify cell phones and/or intercept communications.

It is not surprising that they seem to often be located near military facilities.  Stand-off detection capability is a military value.  Detect the threat before it is too close giving time to react to it.  With a data base of cell phone numbers, IMSI numbers it is like a no-fly list.  When one of the phones is nearby there is cause for action.

Technology can identify when a cell phone is in proximity as well as when it leaves a certain area or enters a forbidden area.  In some cases any cell phone regardless of who has it when it is detected in a person exclusion area is cause for an alarm and action.

Detection of the interceptor towers, and they need not be towers only receiving/transmitting devices such as used by police which I previously blogged about, takes an expensive device or a device that can be cheaply put together with the know how to do it and info on doing it is on the internet.  If some producer sold a cheap detection device that people could use war driving to find and locate the interceptors (they may be mobile but probably often not) the results would be interesting.

First question about interceptors and military bases:  Are they on base or off base?  Hmmm....

Interceptors near any facility of any type can obtain at least cell phone number ID that can possibly be identified to who has that phone.  What facility of what type might give interesting/valuable info regarding those in its proximity and frequency of proximity?

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