Tuesday, July 31, 2012

After Thoghts - Logical and Physical -- No Change to the End User

People resist change.  I learned that in the process of getting a business degree.  They resist change because things are different. Duh.  I learned a lot in college then I joined the navy.

This ties together two previous posts on this blog.

Big changes used to be more in the physical environment where things like working conditions are obvious.  Physical things.   Conceptual changes in the past were usually bound closely to associated physical changes.  In the Information age where we are increasingly disassociating physical things and process from their logical things and processes the physical impact of change,  what we see as change in a real thing in the real physical world is perhaps not at apparent and identified as change to the end user.

If what I stated is increasingly true, more true today than it was in the past, change is quicker and easier to make in the logic process and logic object elements because are are separated by technology from their physical constraints.

The money system could change dramatically and rapidly if most end users of money did not even notice the change.  Paychecks still come in.  Money comes in, money is spent. Loans are made and paid off.  That is the way the 99 percent, maybe 90 percent see it.  Business as usual.  Changing to a real money system would be a big change, an astounding change for a few.

If money continues to do what it has always done, without the fraud, no end user change is perceived even if there is a total different conceptual implementation in the logic definition of what money is.

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