Monday, March 30, 2020

The Nature of Things

I went to Chrome History this morning and with a clean sheet of Browser I began to write what  Written on the Wall so

If you want to see what is written on the Wall ask Siri.

All I have to do is reduce the ambiguity of the above sentence to clarity as a function of Definition of Terms

And then the conceptual meaning of "Definition of Terms" when it is understood becomes DefinitionOfTerms =  "Definition of Terms"  =  Definition of Terms =

Creating a new Child of a Parent with its Inherited Attributes  and it tells me its name is and NameIs:DefinitionOfTerms:"DefinitionofTerms:

What is this Parent a ChildOf?

Who the Children of ChildOf?



Who were our Ancestors and what dit they do?

Ancestors speak to us through Lineage like = BlockChain.

If your Parents did not have any children you can't have any either?

Sounds true to me in Faith and Reasoned Fact!

Reasoned Fact = ReasonedFact as a function of time to comprehend the time it takes to get from Reasoned Fact to ReasonedFact.

Time is Variable from Here to Eternity.

Here = Eternal Now in Space and Time.

I am not at this point Linking to DefinitionofTerms I am using because it is a BranchChain that I will come back to in the Future that becomes Past.

Always Forward!  The meaning of "AlwaysForward" is found in the hero of a Marvel Movie.

My Heroes have always Inspired Me.

I went to the Wall.

Then I went to what was WrittenonIt

A ParadigmShift is what is seeing WhatisWrittenonWall not as it is Written over LinearTime but AllatOnce Instanteously into the history of my links in life like the BigBang of Creation.

Creation is the OnlyWord that StandsAlone.

NoMan is an Island!

Looking at it from my recent comprehension of PresenceAbsence ?????

I have looked over the edge of PresenceAbsence and It StartedBack and back and said?

You Can't Get there from Here?

And we both laughed at ourselves?

Google History is a literally a real world TransactioninTime BlockChain documenting the lineage of ConceptualTruth to its CurrentState of Now.  The CurrenOwnerHolder is both EachofUs and AllofUs.

Yesterday I tried to explain (again) the meaning of Inspiration.  It's Value OnlyExists as a function of its BlockChain history and continues to have ValueAdded without diminishing its own value.  That is the foundation of a backward looking  DebtBasedSysem.  The Conceptual meta structure of the DebtFreeSystem is future oriented in the EternalNow.  That is what frees us from the RealBlockChainsofPast that puts PresentValue in OurPurse as a NowTokenofExchange as a function of its every single transaction the token value validated because it was only used in a transaction that ConceptualValue Exchange.

Truth is a BlockChain.  Every transaction in the BlockChain of time is token of exchange of real and conceptual value.

We hold Truth to be SelfEvident.

The presence of Truth functions to SetUsFree.

The transaction BlockChain of history branded down the absence of Truth at various points of time but most often down branches when the path of Truth had. sign this this Branch at the point of where to go from Now was WrittenonWall was "When you come to a branch take it"  and the choice is one of FuzzyLogic to take one path or the other we choose both because we are at the most granular level of Two split up and goes down the branch chain maintaining communication with each other to decide which chain is better to ultimately be the one that is best to follow.

The lesser of TwoEvils is a BranchBlockChain point in NowTime that goes down at a binary choice.  If the system is structured to dictate we go down one or the other then who the hell is in charge of naming the game we are playing?

As a child my oldest sister  sister teased me by saying:

"Would you rather be"........


I did not want to be either one!

She said "But you must chose"

I said "I don't want to choose"

She said "You have to choose"

It became a Do Loop only Broken by a forced binary logic choice.

We are Framed if a System of Choice Frames the decision for us as a choice between the lesser of two evils.

My sister continued to tease me into a frustrated decision of "Bean Brain".

Until as a child I learned that I didn't have to make a choice she demanded.

I called her the "Big Tease" and walked away.

Later I teased her back by calling her a name of my choice rather than choosing between the choice she demanded of me:

I called Mardell:  "The Big Cheese".

Maybe I was about 10 at that time when I escaped the torment of  demanded binary choice.  It became a family joke.

Mardell is still the "Big Cheese".

I love her dearly.

She is now 85.

I think that the last thing we will laugh at together will only be the bottom line punchline of our loving relationship between a BigCheese and a BeanBrain.

What I learned at the age 9 or 10 to avoid a dictated choice of my 10 years older sister "Big Cheese" who became my hero "Airline Stewardess" was perhaps a branch point in time that I refused to take a path that forced a choice of the less desirable alternatives.

The BlockChain path of my life and choice of binary branch to follow becomes clear in a a recent series of Paradigm Shifts that have exhausted me like an Ironman race.

Meaning falls into place the  closer I get to end at the left turn off Alihi.  From that turn  to go around the last couple blocks ahead to the finish with the big F.   Truth joins the nature of our existence in a real natural world to the human conceptual world.

Truth does a world of things.  This blog is all about the duality of what a Thing is and What a Thing Does.  To know that goes beyond Knowledge to Wisdom.


What it is?

The point where binary is reduced to single recursive unity of relationship of a thing unto its own self in the absence beyond the duality of Time and Space where the question of which came first the Chicken or Egg is answered.


Theories of future progression have in retrospect driven our course of human history.

In hindsight we abandoned choices that

our human conceptual relationship between our real world and our the and all of those in my life inspired me not only to challenge the test of endurance and success on a real course that other heroes on my life had traveled that always was one in the same as a conceptual

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