Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Law is Code


Thanks for what you did to organize a point of entry to navigate ORS :

I have a free range learning model that wanders the WWW in a vaguely relational way to put things together in my head.  The blog is a trail of my roaming over years.  It gets hits to pump numbers.    It is the trail made by a procession of things I am interested in.  It helps me know where I have been as some refining directional indicator of where to go next.

Nobody has ever looked at my other blog :  All zeros in the hit column. It is where I collect information and thoughts entirely for my own benefit.

A few property owners of a total of 89 acres in the City of Bend are assessed a value of $77.07 per acre on Designated Forestland that would otherwise be assessed at least at $100,000.  Many have an expensive home on a big low tax (minimum 2 acre to qualify) back yard.  Taint fair but it is the law and it is avoidance not evasion.  That is a model on the National Level too but not something I can do anything about.  Locally I can.  It used to be that people in town went out of town to cut timber for the mill to make a living.  Now they are growing (money on) the trees in their back yard for a mill that no longer exists!

That’s rich as well as how the rich get richer!

ORS is a bag of relative spaghetti that you made into a relational, searchable system.  I have been roaming OAR, particularly Oregon Dept. of Revenue to discover why trees grown within residential zoned city limits for future timber market sale warrant an assessed value of $77.07 per acre.  It is a woods to easily get lost in.  Other areas of county property tax are equally mysterious.  I discovered this by pick and shovel data mining.  I need better tools.  You made one for ORS.  

The domain of OAR is a tough place to navigate in an attempt to connect the dots among an indexing system with few or no linkages or links to .pdf.  Ugh!  Recently I discovered that Secretary of State did some organizing:  This is new. 

"The new OARD launched Oct. 2017. For Rules Coordinators and Rules Writers, this means a new way of filing rules with our office: File Administrative Rules and Notices Online​.” 

The meta structure is strange.  This is the OAR search link:

There is apparently no search ability across all OAR like for ORS at  It requires a drill down through departments to a very low level to learn anything.  It is a digital table of contents that link to deparments chapter and verse content.  It is not relational, relatable within the entire domain. It is a small step barely more useful than a list of .pdf titles.  It is an old school bean counter legacy organizational silo system with digital lipstick.  Not useful like a coded system to discover inconsistency, anomaly, failures in logic, reason, consistency, integrity etc. in the total system by relating this to that with a function in between .  Not stuff to make the entire Marshmallow more integrated and solid.

Is that something that could be done?  

You or somebody could do?  

I am not a coder. I can barely claim to see a big picture but I know when something is wrong with it.  I think the correction will only come from bottom up aggregation of classes of things teasing out those that do not functionally mesh across the board in a legacy system designed from the top down.  Its simply QA   The legacy system essentially gets bottom up source feedback from special interests (ambiguity and lack of precision transparency is a feature not a bug) having something to gain in a zero sum game with Public Interest.  What is needed are analysis and investigative ground level bug killing tools in the hands of the public, at least a small skilled and motivated segment, that know how to use the tech tool for leverage and public benefit.  

You code as well as use the tools you create.  No need to explain how this gets us where we want to go instead of where we are being driven.

Your thoughts on this would be sincerely appreciated.  

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