Saturday, February 3, 2018

CATL Battery Production and China Play in the World Super Bowl.

Good for China!  Good for CATL!  Out-compete, out perform!  Primary purveyors  of good stuff to the world.  Better than being number 1 in the capacity to deal death and destruction.

WWII was to a great extent a strategy of a war of attrition.  Build and replace the planes, ships, tanks, armament faster and longer than the enemy could.  The cold war was an economic variation of the strategy.  What if China builds a better economy, society, quality of life for the greater number of people than the USA.  Key idea:  The greater good of China.  What a novel idea for the USA that politically, socially and economically favors and defines as social success the 1%.  The 10%?

The social responsibility of governance is to society....the greater good of society.

China should institute a measurement of "Gross Greater Good" indexed to the increased living standard of 80% or 90% of its population in terms of health and other quality of life standards.  Then let the competition with the USA begin!  Of course the powers that be do not want to compete on that playing field.  How about the majority of Americans?

Ah, the Super Bowl of competition to attain a greater quality of life for the greater good of all....or at least more than 1%.

The metric for winning will be who dominates and wins the title of holder of the worlds reserve currency.

Go China.  I feel that I am sitting in the home team stands cheering for the other side.  Let the best team win and win all the fans that support it regardless of where they sit, stand and live.

On the other hand look at the terrible social control of government over the "People's Republic" that portrays governance in China as the "Republic's People".
The USA should obviously fear that the government would do such things!  That is the rice bowl of free private enterprise and financial predation that belongs to the USA government owned /Private Enterprise operated complex that uses surveillance to extract more profit from the public.

What is the measurement of governance success and what means of measurement are to be used?  How much the government/business complex can extract or how much it can serve?

Be afraid of China!  Be very afraid!  The USA has so much for its citizens to fear.  Government should be afraid of its people!
China is a thief:  It stole the American business model:
“China, as it does in emerging markets throughout the world, offers the appearance of an attractive path to development,” he said. “But in reality, this often involves trading short-term gains for long-term dependency.”

Stolen for the benefit of whom?  It is the "People's Republic of China".  

The USA?  We are proudly number one in warfare! 
Yes, but that is what we are best at doing!

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