Monday, June 26, 2017

Investigative Journalism - Nick Turse

Nick Turse is the finest example of Investigative Journalism.

He keeps hitting on our unsuccessful military operations and their lack of connection to strategic world interests of the US.  In this one he portrays our Special Forces operations not as primarily serving the Military Industrial complex sales of armaments, at least directly but really serving only to foment more resistance in strategically unwinnable war level situations.

War...what is it good for. 

If it is good for something it should show some results over time.  There was a Hundred Year War but in this day and age they should last for a much shorter period of time to winning.  The metrics all point to losing.  The only winning strategy is to kill them all and let god sort them all out.  Burn the village in order to save it.

All at what cost? What Price? What gain?

Elizabeth Warren is a member of the Armed Services Committee and the Sub-Committee on Strategic Forces.

What say you, Elizabeth?
“As a member of the committee, I will focus on making sure Congress provides effective support and oversight of the armed forces, monitors threats to national security, and ensures the responsible use of military force around the globe.”

I hope so....especially the part about "responsible use".

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