Saturday, January 3, 2015

The War on Pensions

The subject line of this blog entry is taken from Michael Hudson's analysis linked at Naked Capitalism.

Recently I viewed a Netflix movie where an investigating  detective asked a suspect the question "How could you not know?"  about a family situation that was so obvious to anyone would have known it.  The same detective was later asked the same question by a friend about a situation in the detective's family.

How could we not know what Michael Hudson writes about pension plans and how they are being manipulated to the extent that it is criminal.  Criminal is a moving goal post but how could we not know?  How can this happen but that is the question that is being asked more often and even more in the future as what happens as a result of this will be seen in hindsight.  The money that is seen to have disappeared in hindsight will of course be gone and never come back to whom it was due.

We have lost the war on pensions.  How could we not know it now.  It will dawn on us after the fact.

Fool's paradise.

As I write this in a public place where Fox is playing on the TV and advertising Lifelock.  A product of Affinion.  A scam based business model company.  Selling a security product.  I guess it tells how it is that people do not know.  Commentator just called Obama a serial liar.  This is a military base, the most popular channel.  Now talking about deficits.  Certainly what must follow is cheer leading for austerity.  How could people not know?

It was an easy prediction:  They just said that Congress must shrink the budget.  The biggest problem is Obama Care!  Now talking Constitutional issue.

I think that there is a trend line in media presentation that should measure the pure blatant brazenness of  what is being presented.  The trend line looks like it is going up quick.

How could we not know?

Funny thing.  All the people in this room are on military pensions.

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