Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Investigative Reporting - Pro Publica

Investigative reporting shines a light on things where the sun don't shine - and on those that have something to hide from the public.  Kim Barker, former reporter for ProPublica wrote this report published at Pro Publica exposing Move America Forward.  Well done, Kim!  If I was a kid again I would want to grow up to be an investigative reporter.  Fighting for truth and justice!  The antidote to a generally sick Big Media.

She exposes a big bag of worms.  I am sure that Move America Forward is squirming.  In the finest tradition of well honed flim flam to cover up a hoax and a charade I expect that they will come out fighting with the entire defense arsenal.  This type of organization and the Tea Party it is associated with are very good at turning lemons into lemonade or should I say kool aid to give the faithful to drink.

Kim is going to work for the New York times.  I sincerely hope she is not stifled there but someday leads the investigative department and changes the course of journalism.  She is an action hero!

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