Monday, January 6, 2014

The Last Gasp of American Democracy

The title of this post is something written by Cris Hedges and appearing in Truthdig.

The link is here.

Every single word rings clearly with truth.

He concludes:

"The structures of the corporate state must be torn down. Its security apparatus must be destroyed. And those who defend corporate totalitarianism, including the leaders of the two major political parties, fatuous academics, pundits and a bankrupt press, must be driven from the temples of power. Mass street protests and prolonged civil disobedience are our only hope. A failure to rise up—which is what the corporate state is counting upon—will see us enslaved."

Mass street protests and prolonged civil disobedience are not the answer.  Seizing control of the fundamental monetary system is the social media for social decision making applied to the allocation of resources (money) is the answer.  Crypto Currency in a secure open source system.  Money always has been the vote cast for the things anyone wants. 

When each citizen can choose among 20 or more broad budget categories where they want the money spent by government to be applied and how much of it in each application then we have control.  Not our legislators that have been corrupted and produce corrupt budgets.

Public control the purse strings through an asset based monetary system. We the people of the United States are in debt to no one.  It is our money, our government, our country.

If we want it all spent on bread and circuses then so be it.  The people have spoken and if we chose poorly or unwisely then money will serve its purpose as a decision making tool and go into the hands of those that would use it better.  A fate that we will deserve.

A universal uncontrolled by government monetary system is probably the worst fear of those in control of the USA and it is not us now.  Money must be ours to directly control.  Speculation interest rates and government/corporate special interest that distributes it unjustly must be stopped by us.

We stop it when the collective monetary system is ours to control.  Let each decide with their money how much of a required amount will go to each purpose we choose.

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