Saturday, August 10, 2013

Simply Amazing

At times I am astounded by the simplicity and essential likeness of the information model of the monetary system I propose and the general, rapid evolving of a knowledge system we are developing with technology that almost borders on revolution yet expresses that revolution in logical and reasonable paradigm shifts.

The knowledge system we are currently focusing on is intelligence gathering and the intelligence system.  It is the same information model as my proposed monetary system.

Simply what a thing (unique identifiable entity) is and what it does.  The thing on one hand being a person and on the other a dollar.  All information about it all the time.  But the conundrum is that the connection between what the entity is and what it does must be protected except in the case of wrong doing in which the connection must be revealed by exposing the history of what a target entity has done.

Authorizing that connection to be made must be tightly controlled.

The aggregate of what all people do or what all dollars do is vital information.  Dollars are about the only best way of quantifying what people do.  The other principal way of quantifying what people do is their communications.  We should know by measurement and analysis everything the aggregate does.  We must know identify the entity responsible when things go wrong according to criteria that we all subscribe to that protect the right of privacy.

Control and freedom.  Can we have our cake and eat it too?

Yes, I think we can.  We will show ourselves the way with knowledge.  Not easy but we are smart.

Unity theory all boils down to  one thing.

Simply one.


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