Thursday, June 13, 2013

It's Information Evolution...Dude!

Information is evolving toward the unique identification of all things.  Identifying attributes that make a single thing different somehow from all other things.

The rule driving the evolution says that information about a thing is limited to the extent that it cannot be created about a thing because the thing, physical or conceptual, does not have a degree of unique attribute identification to distinguish it from all other (otherwise) same things.

That is the rule that requires that all dollars be reduced to the level of a One Dollar thing with a unique serial number that make it different from all other dollars in the universe of dollars.

The same rule that requires that all people be reduce to their absolutely unique single identifying attribute that makes them different from all other people.  Perhaps the other end of the spectrum that requires a single conceptual attribute common to all people that make them all perpetually the same, at least according to a popular information structure scheme:  The Everlasting Soul. 

The same rule that requires all information that the NSA collects to be associated to a unique individual entity by associated unique attributes of time and space as well as collective (more than one) attributes of association to other entity attributes by some connecting (communication of any nature) verb that implements the association of the target to an entity of interest.

The shoe fits all.  All information is evolving to increasingly higher levels of unique entity attribute identification and the creation of information structure design to make this all possible.  Higher levels of unique entity identification leads to increased information generation and the flip side: Ambiguity reduction.

NSA leads the way.

Secrecy and Transparency are only terms that related to the visibility of the evolution, not its progress.  They do however have a vital role in the greater good benefits of the information evolution.  The vital role is one that has long been recognized and is no secret.

Know the truth and the truth shall set you free.  Funny that idea is associated with the bible.  In the Information age the refinement of that concept is Verifiability Not Truth.

Verifiability  because every thing we wish to verify is uniquely identified like evidence entered into a court of law.  Who benefits most by prohibiting the evolution of information that results from increasingly precise unique conceptual identification of attributes that identify the lowest level of distinguishing one thing from another thing? 

Secrecy is the prohibition of making known existing information and level to which things are uniquely identified.  In the gross analysis, the detail to which the NSA must know everything is obvious. 

Money must someday be uniquely identified to its lowest level unit used in exchange, whole unit of one or decimal number of that whole unique as appropriate.  The entities involved in the transaction using money must also be uniquely identified as well as the entity being exchanged as well as all related unique time and space information that make the entire transaction unique for eternity.

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