Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Language, Style, Versatility

This application of Javascript to express various creative literary styles simply fascinated me!  I had to make a blog entry about it.

A technical computer programming language but our natural language is just as technical and just as elegant and can be utilized in as many different styles.  Maybe that is why there are so many books.  All based on just the letters in the alphabet put together in so many fascinating ways to say essentially the same thing in the gross analysis but say it uniquely, freshly, like it has never been said before in the micro analysis!

The ability of language, natural or otherwise to express our thoughts is without limit!  This example of a programmer fantasizing how famous writers would have expressed themselves in a machine language that may seem to be the most unlikely medium and manner of expression reveals the creativity of using what seem to be uncreative tools at least uncreative when applied to produce exceptionally creative results.

A paint brush is also an uncreative tool.  Perhaps all tools are uncreative and that is therefore the definition of a tool and what separates it from whatever it is used to produce.  Increasingly, tools are used to create tools at both higher and lower conceptual levels.  Where and when does tool making transition to art?  It is becoming easier or more difficult to see the boundary?  Is this a no boundary situation like Yin and Yang?

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