Tuesday, January 31, 2017

"the greatest threat to freedom and prosperity in the modern world"

"What the Trump transition did was to try to write departmental or agency plans to fulfil and implement every single one of the promises and commitments that Mr Trump made as a candidate," Mr Ebell said.
"There were a number of very clear, black and white promises. He said he will withdraw from the Paris climate agreement, he will defund UN climate programs, at the EPA he will potentially withdraw or repeal all of the Obama administration rules regarding greenhouse gas emissions including the so-called Clean Power Plan...........
.........But Mr Ebell said the president had given a clear promise to withdraw from the Paris Agreement and "the president would be odds-on favourite to win any disagreement (with Mr Tillerson) over climate policy".
"I don't think there's any doubt that (Mr Trump) thinks global warming is not a crisis. It does not require drastic and immediate reductions in greenhouse gas emissions."

From the movie "He's Back":  "I told you exactly what I was going to do".

Exactly when and where did Ebell say this: ""the greatest threat to freedom and prosperity in the modern world"   I want to see the video, hear his words.  If there is no eyes and ears confirmation I want to see and hear him say that he did in fact say it.

If Ebell denies he ever said it then someone reporting his words must have some proof that he said it.
Did he say it or not?

As a matter of fact.......or not.

One or the other.

"Not a fact"  cannot be claimed to be a fact.


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