Tuesday, January 31, 2017

David Frum And His Ideology Crawls Out Form Under the Rock To Destroy To Protect the Realm Again


Frum was a major player with those that got us into Iraq.



US involvement in Middle East regime change has accomplished division and unrest to accomplish the agenda of the PNAC.

That same strategy of division and dissent is now being applied to the US by the same actors behind the PNAC to continue their agenda.


Hide the agenda in plain site by saying exactly what it intends to do then doing exactly that.

That is exactly what the the "Clean Break" did.

That is exactly what Trump is doing in his first 9 days in office.

The actors and agenda of "A Clean Break" are now continuing their agenda "Strategy for Securing the Realm" (Israel)  beyond dividing the Mid East to dividing the USA.

This must be our focal point for mass demonstrations against what has gotten the entire world into conflict:

It will absolutely the most ironic moment in history when these two leaders meet.  One the dictating tyrant leader of a nation that joined in fighting WWII and one a leader of people who were victims of that war but now practice ethnic hatred, collective punishment and aggressive territorial acquisition.

Echoes of the past are reverberating in repetition of hate:

And what does the present leader of that third country involved in WWII say??...


And what does our former leader of the nation that went to war against a totalitarian enemy?  What bold attack does that former leader make and lead now as a citizen but one that continues to have power of great free world leadership influence?
A weak bleat so far in my opinion when the nation is in a crises situation.  Perhaps he is afraid of causing dissent and division.

More irony in strange bedfellows again:

More irony

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