Monday, January 30, 2017

Judicial Branch Scrubbed from

Prior to election I speculated in a blog prior entry that if Trump was elected would become a major agenda tool.  It would become the "true news" source vehicle to counter "fake news".  Increasingly becoming the "GoTo" selected home page of all true believers in the Trump brand philosophy.

He is doing exactly what he said he would do.

He is creating exactly what he said he would create and presenting the structure and function of that creation at  When I put "" into my UIC bar as a search this is what I was taken to:
Its a marketing method to sign up to this website by taking the search to a splash page for the website:

Many years ago a made a blog entry stressing the opportunity to use the website "" as a more effective tool of President Obama in the Information Age.  He did improve the effectiveness but like so many things he did he did not go far enough, effective enough and fast enough.

The Judicial Branch returns:  At least to the website but not to tyranny.

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