Monday, October 28, 2013

Things Don't Move In a Virtual World

Virtual dollars are things in an object oriented virtual world.  Things in a virtual world do not move.  A simple statement but probably hard to grasp since in the physical world we are conditioned to things moving......Unless we perceive the world as revolving around us.  But that perception moves the real world to a virtual word where that condition is possible to be believed.

Dollars move hand to hand.  Yes, in the physical world but in the object oriented digital domain, money is a thing and it does not move because things do not move in a virtual world.

What moves in a virtual world?  Messages between objects.  Messages are passed from one object to another object causing objects to do something that they know how to do; their behavior.

For example:  Many people do not "go" to work in the morning now.  They do not move from one place to another to go to work.  They remain in one place receive messages, do something in response to them and return messages or pass messages on to others for them to do something and ultimately return some message to the originator to complete the message action requirement communication.  Maybe just "Done" or "Here is what you wanted".

Many used to go to work in a car.  Now they turn on their computer and never go beyond the breakfast table.  However, we will always call it "going to work" even when we go nowhere to do it in the real world but can roam the virtual world at will.

The same with money.  Virtual digital serialized dollars each with a unit value of one in the object oriented model I propose never "go" from hand to hand even although they are "exchanged".  That is physical world thinking.  Even in the green eyeshade world of accounting numbers representing money were "moved" from one account to another in balance sheet accounting and "cash flow" accounting.

We are historically conditioned to think of money as "moving".  In general, most people are "moving" oriented.  The action a thing does is forefront in viewpoint the thing that moves is secondary.  Fewer people structure their perceptions primarily on the thing and its actions are secondary because they can be multiple.  Some are ditch diggers.  Others look at the problem domain of things called holes, various things that know how to dig holes then might focus on a shovel and tell someone to hire a ditch digger that is just another thing with knowledge to apply to the problem.  Things do things but focusing on higher level things to get some thing done in the end takes more object orientation that process orientation.

At the highest object level of virtual money it does not move.  It does move things in the end in the physical world but money does not physically move to do it.

To emphasize this virtual static nature of money my model dictates that it always stay in one place and instead of moving from account to account, the account related to money ownership moves from old owner of money to new owner of money.  It changed the account it relates to on a single unit serialized one virtual dollar basis.

That emphasis on money being a static record and the account with which it is associated through a look up table being a variable record is just an attempt to shift a traditional perception of money moving.  Actually, neither money not account move although they may be perceived as one being fixed the other variable, depending on which one is the chosen point of view.  The "money moving" view of green eyeshade accounting was perpetuated when manual accounting was mechanized by IBM cards.  Then data was moved to mag tape, then disk, then to disc, and data "processing" focused on doing something with action oriented words evolved to focusing on things, their inherited attributes and behaviors and asking the thing to do something it knows how to do not telling it specifically what to do.

Digital accounts with on hand digital money balances do not move any more than Digital money moves in my object oriented monetary system.  Each is a high level thing passing messages to the other high level thing (and other things) causing the message receiver to do something.

We send email.  Everybody does.  We think of it in the same manner as sending a snail mail letter, just quicker.  We can even attach things to it to send.  A convenient historically derived perception but a handicap in thinking if we wanted to really understand the nature of email for some reason.

We really need to understand the nature of money but are so conditioned to the idea of money "moving" that we are not only handicapped but the structural money system design that saddles us today was built on a "money moves" model.  A model to benefit the movers of money.

What is the nature of "sending email" when the email does not really move?  The physical email is sent with a sender/receiver address like a letter in the post office or a package in UPS.  The virtual conceptual content does not go anywhere.  It was translated in sequential steps to something that could leap that could leap into physical existence and then leap more physical bounds in a real world by decomposition to  ultimately wave length and presence/absence binary digits to be reconstructed up the long chain of physical processes to something that could leap the bounds from physical to logical to crease in our minds some facsimile (exact or close) of where it originally came from.   That is the story of the evolution of computing technology.  The separation of the physical and logical representation of a thing.

Maybe peak computing technology as a tool that we use is reached when there is total data and processing of data independence?  I have to think about that.

Email sent never moves. It remains in the sent file.  A mirror image of it shows up somewhere because we have created a "mirror" to send it.  We might delete the email by default or choose when to delete it.  However the mirror image remains at the intended reception point or via an interception at an unintended interception point.  Like the NSA where the mirror image will continue to exist by default until deleted by design.

Money in my model is the same.  Once created it continues to exist at the micro level of a serial number and unit value of one in the virtual place it was created.  It never changes where it lives, it virtually never moves.  Its virtual properties never change, like the physical properties of gold never change.  It never goes out of existence, at least until we no longer need a concept of money.

While money never changes at the micro granular level.  Money as an on hand balance in Owner/Holder User Accounts do not virtually move at the macro level.  There will always be an exact equal balance mirror image between total aggregate virtual money in the Money Record and the the total of all on hand balances as the sum total of Money Account Owner/Holder User records.  At the single user account level, on hand balance can be added or deleted at the discretion of the authorized account user or authority to which the user is subject.  That money does not really move either.  Just like email does not move.  However, unlike email, when the message is sent authorizing a new owner of money as the function of a transaction the mirror image of the related amount appears in the receiver account but must be deleted from the sender's (email) account by assignment to history. 

The golden rule is that a digital serialized dollar in a unit value of one existing in the virtual record of all digital dollars cannot be associated to more than one current owner user money account at any given time. Any entity authorized to own money in an account and therefore use it as a medium of exchange with other account holders may have any number of accounts in which they wish to hold money.

Entities authorized to have accounts in which to transact business with digital dollar US currency as a medium of exchange must be identified as authorized users of the monetary system regardless of how many accounts they wish to have. 

Maintenance of money system user accounts (system administrators) must be authorized to do so as third parties and may be chosen by Account users on a free market basis.  It is probable that third parties selected to maintain account balances would be selected on "value services added" criteria.

There is an option here that Account owner/holder user may or must have a direct ability to change ownership of money in the Digital Dollar Record from them to a new owner of dollars in the Digital Dollar record.  This then might be the Master Account identifier to which all subsidiary accounts of an entity might be related.

Money does not move.  Accounts do not move.  They are two high level class things in an object oriented system.  They are things that only pass messages to each other and among the children of their class and other classes of object things in the object oriented system that invoke doing what they are designed as virtual things to do.

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