Saturday, October 12, 2013

Fox News - The Allegory of the Cave

Fox is fodder for Stewart and Colbert.  The nation might run out of money (it can't really but that is another shadow on the wall) but these guys will never run out of stuff to work with as long as Fox is around.

Most recently they made considerable hay out of the new Fox "News Deck"

Colbert here and Stewart here

Shepard Smith takes us on a tour of the Fox News Deck here.

Plato would have laughed with the rest of us.  He wrote the metaphor "Allegory of the Cave".  It applies to perceptions of reality.......and what happens when we see it.

Bigger shadows on the wall shows more truth at Fox.

But...but...but...I'm still watching it on a small screen!


Plato explains so much, still so true.

The Matrix used the metaphor.  Alice in Wonderland is a good one to.  The Banking System is an excellent example.  When (if) we see the truth we never go back to watching shadows on the wall?  Few see the truth and come back to lead us.  Others see it and become banksters and politicians and  media moguls.

Somebody beat me to the comparison.  However, might be the first to apply it to the News Deck.

Alternate reality.  No, in this case Virtual Reality is a better term so versatile that it can present any desired alternate reality in a wide variety of media format.

What is real about Virtual Reality?

The national debt, debt limitations and debt money are all shadows on the wall of a cave.  They are not real but figments of the imagination perpetrated on us by those that stand to benefit (1% benefited greatly) and their cronies.

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