Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Rock Paper Scissors

Can you see Logic, Language and Structure foundation in this concept:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.

Logic gave birth to the language, the language was used to produce the structure.

There are many forms of fundamental logic relationships.  Binary presence/absence is one.  God is present/absent in our lives.  To be present some have to accept Christ or He is not present.  That Structural thought is a product of the Language which is an expression of the Logic. 

Change the Logic to Presence/degrees of presence and all that follows changes (Language and Structure)

Presence/degree-of-presence is thinking in terms of Seen/unseen…Known/not-yet-known and all the other equal forms of thinking where there something more on the other side of Presence than Non-presence, non-existence that exists as an idea in our mind. 

In Yin and Yang the concept of zero, non-existence as a "thing that exists" is just not there.  Nor is one.  It is everything between  zero and one that exists. 

Everything between zero and one is by definition a duality.  A combination of two things to a certain degree between unity (one) and true nothing (zero).

Is this a conceptual discovery?????

A personal one and I have found it.  I have accepted degrees of presence to be my personal saviour. 

This is the concept I intend to apply to money.  Actually the concept that has been applied but applied by those that see money in degrees (finance) but conceived by the public to be either in the pocket or not.  Owned or owed.  Debit or Credit.  Present or absent.

We ain't got no money!

There is no debt crises cliff!  That is what those that see money in degrees (they have more, we have less) would like people to think.

All people who think in binary Present/Absent terms are subject to manipulation by those that think in terms of degrees.

Few people really think in predominantly (fewer think exclusively) in terms of degrees.  Our Western, religious oriented culture is not fundamentally predisposed to that manner of thinking. 

That's the problem!

Eastern thinking is more degree of existence oriented.  Fuzzy Thinking is Yin an Yang and was only born and applied to computer science in the 60's.  Fuzzy thinking is application to information.

The great challenge is to apply "thinking in degrees" logic to re-structure our Knowledge.  Our "Knowledge Base" what we "know" as a culture and society is a legacy system based on Presence/Absence logic.

Chinese seem to have the advantage of a better legacy system that has thought this way for a long time.

This is a test:

What happens when we change the Logic?


What happens when we change the Language?


What happens when we change the Structure?

Answer:  Life changes

What can be concluded:  Structure changes in degrees to the extent we change Language and Logic.

Changes in Language have a degree of power to change structure but it is much less than the degree of power that Logic has to make changes to Language and the Structure.

Rock --- Paper ----Scissors…..Is China the origin of that game?

Yes!  Indeed it was!


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