Friday, November 2, 2012

Revolving Fund (Fighting Aligators Category)

Fighting the Alligator "Revolving Fund" lead me to finding and alligator inside the alligator which probably should be fought but that is getting to far afield from my primary diversion from the objective of draining the swamp. might be teaching one thing claimed to be non-partisan offered through a government contract, at the expense of government, but what they are they really conveying in the classes???

Hmmmm,,,,  merits some investigation after I drain the swamp.

Google searching on the term "Revolving Fund" I went to a site that provides a description here:

"A fund established by Congress to finance a cycle of businesslike operations through amounts received by the fund. A revolving fund charges for the sale of products or services and uses the proceeds to finance its spending, usually on a self-sustaining basis. Instead of recording the collections in receipt accounts, the budget records the collections and the outlays of revolving funds in the same account. A revolving fund is a form of permanent appropriation. (See also Account, and “Interagency Contracting: An Overview of Federal Procurement and Appropriations Law,” CRS Report for Congress R40814." 

I think that the definition should be less ambiguous.  I will not try to rewrite it for the purpose of clarity here (although I did start to do that).  With enough repetitive reading to parse out what the definition is trying to say, given that the parser has some degree of prior knowledge of what a revolving fund is in simpler terms, its meaning can be understood.

For a better explanation of a generic revolving fund go to Wikipedia:

If that does not float your boat then continue searching on the term "Revolving Fund" and return when you understand it.

But wait a minute.  Something is fishy about the site that provides this explanation.

Going back to the link at the beginning of this blog entry it has some interesting features.  First there is no explicitly titled website called "" Enter it in your browser and you go to this website:  Note that it is a .com site. (or, either gets you to the same site) is a commercial private business that offers education in how the government works.  Its education services can be purchased on a Government Services Administration (GSA) contract schedule. describes itself as follows:  Note well: Non-Partisan! and "We help you understand Washington and Congress.  "Written and taught by current Washington Insiders." Who, am sure, are all non-partisan objective academics??????  What do the "Voted out of Office" politicians and political appointees do during their out of favor times?  Go home to Podunk?  Me thinks that the claimed insiders are really outsiders looking for a temporary job????

Faculty and advisors are here:

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Hobnob Blog : hit or miss...give or take...this or that. The blog of TheCapitol.Net
It is a .com site so I guess it does not have to be non-partisan??

It does express itself.........

Is this non-partisan??

If the link at the site disappears this is the Youtube site of the video:  (more than a million hits)

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