Friday, November 30, 2012

Personal Wiki For My Structured Thought

Recently I have recognized the progressive frequency with which I am using Wikipedia as the source description reference for more precise meaning of the general terms I use.  Building block concepts that I am developing have pointed out the obvious need to more precisely define and explain them and their structure.   Establish them as a frame of reference for my own ideas that as an extension of the generally accepted common concepts explained by Wikipedia.  Then I do not have to repeat the explanation of my basic unique ideas over and over each time I talk about them.  For example:  Uniquely Serialized Digital Dollars. 

Just in time to support my need to organize reference to my own ideas:  The Google Personal Wiki!  This talks about it and how to do it.

In the scheme of things, a Google Personal Wiki is a child of Google Sites.  A child that inherits all the traits of general site web pages offered by Google but having unique characteristics of "Wiki" that makes it different from the other "children" of the parent "Google Sites"

I have started my own Personal Wiki!

It is not accessible yet but I am working on it.

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