Thursday, February 14, 2019

Waiting in Line - Citizens First! - It is "About Face" time. Spotlight or Sunshine?


Who are these lobbyists!  What is their agenda?

Does the public have a right to know?  Names and associated entity they are related to?  What rights to privacy do they have while attending a government hearing?

Who recognizes their faces?

Facial Recognition?

Everybody must get recognized!

Recognition for thee but not for me.

Privacy was the privilege of Royalty.  Protected by a mote and think castle walls with defensive positions and watch towers.

Turn the 4k cameras on those in attendance.

It is "About Face" time.

Face the Sunshine.

Or it it a Spotlight?

Real Time speech to text translation has advanced to high level accuracy.

How about Real Time facial recognition and name association?

Government official or private citizen. is subject to free choice, free will and in certain times and places subject to an individual's right to control to give permissions or deny them.

An inalienable right of a single citizen shall not be infringed.

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