Saturday, November 17, 2018

Mind Mapping

Getting lost in the free range wandering of the mind  requires a mind mapping tool to find the way out that goes where I want to go.

A map is an abstract tool connecting to abstract and real things.

If we know how to use a map to get to a real place then we can apply that same Application to get to Conceptual Places.

What are Conceptual Places?

They can be anything we want them to be.

Mind Mapping is a Visual Information Presentation


Use a MindMapping tool to MindMap MindMapping!

First to find visually find one of those MindMapping things

Searching in Discovery of MindMapping will be done visually.  The metaphor is finding things in the real world by using our own two feet to explore it Like John C. Fremont did.  Blazing a trail with links.

Source of this idea:  A forgotten link that left the idea that all of Economics can be explained using Metaphor.  Every step in the explanation is a Metaphor in other words undertaken Metaphorically in the Coding Language of Metaphor.  An Object Oriented language that walks like a Natural Language but quacks like an Artificial Language.

Am I crazy or what?

Crazy Smart!...........Only if everyone else thinks so.

Some get lost in the wilderness on the mind.

All that wander are not lost.

Steven in not lost...just wandering and exploring like a mountain man.

Can Metaphor be explored using Metaphor to export it?

Yes, of course the world of Object Orientation was opened up by creating an Object Oriented Tool to explore it.  The visual image is that of a robot assembling itself....robotically.

Can you believe your lying eyes in a conceptual world of TruthTelling?

Enter the visual domain of Mind Ming by chosing an MindMap of the State that is the domain of exploration adventure.

All the Analogous Metaphorical "States" that can be entered on are "shown" at the top of the link that begins the visual  exploration of MindMap


WTF!  It all links together like a blockchain!

I have been here before in my wanderings.  Now I see where I have been since then and how it got me to hear!

Temple Grandin could "see" things in a unique way that simplified complexity.  Hers was a high degree of unique visual perception that showed us how to look at things and understand them by just looking at them an extracting the meanings of their actions.

I have been impressed before and learned form seeing things as she doe.

A different point of view is a visual thing.

Back to extending the the MainChain of thought:

Looking at Visual Conceptual Mapping:

Mind Map
   1. Explained in Natural Language Coding (Simple to find explanation)
   2. Explained in Visual Language Coding. (is there such a thing?)

   1. Sign Language in Natural Language coding
   2.  Sign Language in Visual Language Coding

The difference in the two languages is in their degree and nature of abstraction from  reality. Code and Decode and the Codex.

Another way to look at it.

How do we communicate to others that do not speak our spoken form of NaturalLanguageEnglish?


What you see is what you get.

Get it?

Where do you get it you may ask?

Youtube DIY video that has no Natural Language sound track.

Get it?

Test follows...

How do you "say" a conceptual thing visually without Natural Language words?

Example:  "Truth or Consequences" How could the basic conceptual social meaning of the phrase be communicated conceptually with the least degree of ambiguity to a person who only spoke the Natural Language of Chinese.

Finding. Common Visual Language Representation?
Step one:  Truth or Consequences meaning Natural Language Search

Chose "Images"

Scroll the top line of Image Categories.  They all relate to geographical places that do not convey the conceptual meaning of Truth ore Consequences.  All the image express the same thing.

Narrow the image search:  "Truth or Consequences Justice",online_chips:southern+justice,online_chips:social+justice&usg=AI4_-kQpXrhsE2cjzrb2rLW8Ym8aucikCw&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjFt7PB2NveAhXVMX0KHWrwA_UQ4lYILCgD&biw=1200&bih=698&dpr=2

The top categorical bar narrows the search

Break time!  Yesterday I was searching for something and the whirling pizza hung up on the search and the App was not responding.  It hung up but kept looking harder using all of its processing power to find what I was looking for.  In its frustration it produced heat and the cooling fan came on.  It kept going.  The fan went faster.  It did. to know when to quit.  I gave it a "Command W"

Break Time = Command W to my brain.

As a place marker to remind me of the VisualRepresentation image I have in my brain to illustrate what it wants to find to convey "Truth or Consequences Justice".  This is my HeadImage  at QuittingTime:

Image is at upper left:

Simple clue hidden in plain sight at this link:

Selecting the icon image on the upper left and search on the image itself

Fundamental property of the icon image?

A Circle!


Maybe the first visual concept to show to my Chinese Speaking friend to begin our communications discourse on finding the common meaning of justice is a Circle?

Put this icon in the middle of a mind map as the starting point to create that Mind Map that establishes without any ambiguity in common meaning the concept of "Truth or Consequences"

Public.Law logoPublic.Law



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