Sunday, November 19, 2017

Object Oriented Joke Programming

This is most excellent!  CNN report on the history and present effect of Late Night shows on our society from a political viewpoint.  Their effect is substantial.  That is a good thing.  What gets people laughing also gets them thinking.  It seems however all we can do about it is laugh....or cry....until masses are motivated to take action.  The numbers and determination are growing.  Late Night is fueling the change that is coming.  This is a look at were Late Night came from up to today.  Where is it going?  It is going to the people.  It is the spark that lights the fire in them.

The first thing in the morning is a good strong cup of coffee.  The second thing is a collection of political satire that covers all  the usual suspects.  Its Sunday so SNL got top billing.  What the satirist works with is an extremely clever relationship between things set up by the screen writers.  Things with the validity in truth the audience knows and/or believes to be true.  They hold the truths to be self evident.  They are also a subset that hold the truths as true.  I am with them.

Writers set up the relationship of objects: Things and Events  (Events are RealTimeActions that  become Object Things as they enter the BlockChain of the past with attributes we all know and have Methods to send Messages to other Objects that have their own known collective Audience/Attributes/Methods/Messages.

The Talent (Instance or Incidences of the Class:Talent) gets a Message from the screen writers with a content that the Talent has attributes and its own known methods to  apply to Talent Processing and send a message to Audience that has its known methods to apply to Audience processing and issue messages to all Instances of the Audience:Theater an even greater Collective Audience:WorldWideWeb.  Audience sends Message to Talent as well as all other instances of Audiance:  Got the Joke.  

There are 6 or 7 Talent:Political:Satirist   that I enjoy.  This morning I added another:
Color is a SuperClassAttribute we all Share.  

I don't go through a deep meta structure Object Oriented analysis of what I enjoy with my cup of coffee any more that I go through a analysis of the Objects/Attributes/MethodsMessages involved in one to one object relationship between Instance of Class Cup and Lip.

The concurrent result of both is extremely satisfying message sent to self:

That was very good!

A newbie: Maybe writing their own stuff:

A news analysis of Satire:Political.....

And, of course, numerous news analysis of Al Franken invoking a wide variety of Object:Audience:Attribute:Method:Message ParentToChild through Sub-Class shared level entities all the way down to Instance of Class:Audience:UniqueChild:SinglePerson.

Some "GetIt" some don't?
We all "GetIt" in different ways.

Where you sit is how you see it through your own ObjectEntityClass levels down trickling down through a long and complex relationship of ParentClassLevels to ObjectEntityClass:Instance:Unique.

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