Monday, November 23, 2015

The Seamlessness of Progression from Granular to Aggregate Levels and Vic Pascucci

The title is a product of the Information Age that provides the link between mass granular and amassed aggregate levels of information.  It can be seen in a number of examples.  Many involve and asymmetry of information that the progression can be seen from one end and in one way but not from the other.  Those that aggregate granular information for their own objectives and view are not going to feed that aggregated view back to the granular level.  They will use proprietary aggregate information for their own advantage.  That is information competitiveness.  Information has a monetized value.

In a subtle way this link relates to what I have said:

Another thing I saw today relates to my own insurance company: USAA.  I am a 50 year member.  USAA is an insurance industry leader.  Its leadership and the direction it is going is displayed by the involvement at both the granular level of their business as well as the account aggregation level.  This involves new technology that make money matters seemless from the granular level to the aggregate level.

Vic Pascucci is a leader in this sector. 

Linked In shows how many pies he has his fingers in:

Essentially his value to USAA is that he is seemlessly integrating the granular progression to the aggregate level and putting USAA in a position to dominate the entire seemless chain.  He is a very interesting person that seems to have emerged from a legal background but has a keen sense of object oriented systemic business integration both bottom up and top down.  A keen sense of how to make it pay in the long run strategic plan.

Big bucks in integrating from the granular level to the aggregate level cutting across so many legacy systems and making them outdated, redundant and losers in the Information Age competitive arena.

It is perhaps not surprising that a guy from a legal background like Vic can excel at the integrated information architecture formalized by the Information Age expression on an integrated Internet and World Wide Web.  Legal matters are expressed in a logic narrative using a specialized sub set of the english language sysntax and semantics.  Just a bit more formalized and structured than the vernacular.  The domain of practitioners proficient in coding and programming in the natural language.  They are called lawyers.  Some day soon they will be recognized as coders and information engineers using natural language as opposed to formalize computer languages.  The two languages are coming closer together in specific sectors like law.

I was headed for the top and now I'm there!  My insights don't get much better than this.

Granular to aggregate seemlessness is really the structural method objective of my proposed monetary system.

Life is a progression from granular levels to aggregate levels.  At some point we put it all together and wisdom is seeing the decomposition back to the granular level where we started so long ago to paint the big picture.  It is not just seeing the forest for the trees but going on to see all the trees in the context and frame of reference of the forest!  Then maybe we can know what it is all about?

Anybody that gets to that level has the advantage.  Apply it competitively to get more.  Alternatively, apply it to our own understanding  of this thing called the mystery of life and it gives us assurance that we have won the game beyond monetary measurement.  For a few that see that there is time to pay it forward.

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