Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Financial Innovation Coalition -- Point of Entry to the Problem Domain

Maybe the hope for change is that government will listen to the tune called by the big business sector called Tech. rather than the big business sector called Finance.  Tech is getting the peoples vote.  Maybe our new representatives?  While Tech rips off the public as much as Finance at least the general public is benefiting more from the Tech rip off than the Financial rip off.

It is the lesser of two evils.  Tech does more for me with less rip off than finance that is greedy.  Tech produces things and organizes information and its delivery efficiently and takes its fair share of contributing to the general welfare benefit as profit.  Tech like Finance has its extractive side, the necessary evil motivation but also produces something we choose with our money votes as a fair trade value for the money.  Finance extracts and then adds insult to injury without compensation or fair trade of value for money by avoiding risk and maximizing reward based on all the market will bear and then some.

It is unfortunate that the lesser of two evils is the social default choice criteria but it is.  The flip side is which lesser of two evils sector will give us greater value for our money?

The Tech sector Internet/WWW system and all the things it relates to and what they deliver to us beats the beating we take from the Financial sector money system designed primarily to serve the creators of the Banking System.

I really feel that the Titans of Tech take some degree of pride in what they have produced to improve the quality of our lives....while they roll in the dough.

The Titans of Finance?  They laugh at the chumps while rolling in the dough.  Maximize profits, minimize the risk by shifting it all to the chumps or collectively to the chump's government, not really owned by the chumps but by big Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, Pharma, Defense Industry, etc.  All the big extractive players that Tech has served.

What is going on?  Does Tech want to become a Master of the Finance and Banking sector and not a servant as the lower level supporting hardware and software McJob?  Tech is the one that is supplying all the big hardware and software to the Finance Sector.  A sector that is poorly structured and run.  A sector that is dysfunctional and serving up great profit to those benefiting from the legacy system design.

Tech could take over a large share of the Finance sector.  Run it more efficiently in a restructured system that would produce great profit for Tech at a reduced cost to the customers it serves.  

Finance thrives on an ambiguous system design.  Ambiguity hides its true structure and function.  That is the art of the con.  The mark does not even know they are the mark because the set up is all hidden by smoke and mirrors.

Tech thrives on the reduction of ambiguity.  It is more like a builder that actually has to design and build a structure that will serve its intended purpose and not fall down except the structure is conceptual and built on logic from the top down in design and bottom up in assembly.

Tech has been the bottom up employee assembler of the Finance System long enough.  Tech has also been the customer of the Finance system.  
Big Tech knows Big Finance.  Who better than Tech to do Big Finance better than Finance.  It is all done on computers with programs.  

The Internet of Things IoT is the integration of all intelligent devices on the IoT/WWW,  TCP/IP.
The conceptual things of Finance and its Contracts are intelligent conceptual devices operating to a great extent on the Internet/WWW or supported by its Information structures and Hardware.

Tech has taken over a lot of big systems.  It is in the obvious position of a master of Finance system structure and operation.  It has been marching toward that dominance ever since the data base administrator advanced to the Chief Technology Officer and in many cases became the Chief Financial Officer.  Maybe there always was a conflict of power between the CFO and the up and coming IT person.  Both aiming at CEO.  

In the Finance sector the CFO became or is the CEO not the IT Person.

If the way to rob a bank is to own it....


The way to steal the bacon of a competing sector is to take over ownership of it, not advance in it to the top.
Finance, the way Tech looks at, it is simply another problem domain to be addressed by its all purpose hammer.  Everything is a Problem Domain.  Some are bigger than others, some as small as a line of code solution to its problem domain to create a conceptual something to do something to or with something else.

Tech has been employed to solve problems, deliver solutions to the problems of Finance.

The Problem Domain of Finance is the problem now and Tech will not be hired to come in and solve the Problem Domain that is Finance and a Wholly Owned Domain Cash Cow Golden Goose.  Faced with that "Problem" of Finance that is a problem to Tech as well as the rest of us the business model of Tech is a better way to do something.  Something never done before or something in the legacy system that can be done better and more efficiently.
Finance is a low hanging, ripe for take over and eating by a fish that has grown to be bigger than Finance and as a bigger better, badder fish than the Finance shark will eat it.

Tech looks at the Problem Domain of Finance for an ultimate solution to the problem.  Bring it in under the Tech umbrella.  Eat its lunch.
Study these Google search result on the terms:  "problem domain" "object oriented"

Once a Problem Domain has been defined a Point of Entry strategy to the Problem domain identifies where to "get into it" Maybe multiple points of entry for a team approach but the Key Point of Entry is the major thrust of the Plan at the top level.

What is the best point of entry for Tech into the Problem Domain of Finance?  

Easy, the same Point of Entry that Finance chose to solve its own in house Problem Domain of More Efficient Money Extraction:  Government.

What walks through the point of entry door?  Same as all big business, including Tech: 

A lobby, lobbyists.  Aggregations of like businesses coming together for a single mutual benefit and common objective advantage.

It just Business.

Who is not in the Financial Innovation Coalition?  

Banksters, Big Financial Entities.  They are the Mark. 

A major attribute of Finance is the ability to see which way the wind is blowing.  The risk and the reward.  Something that Finance controls and manipulates to a great extent.  Libor, TBTF, TINA.  Always in the driver seat to drive the Finance system for their benefit winning by making others lose.

There will be defections from from Finance to the Tech camp.  They might have previously hired Tech in their Finance jobs.  Now they will be hired if they see the writing on the wall and defect.  Others in Finance used to stream rolling with money will use that model to fight.  Good, it is the weapon of their destruction as a better more efficient Tech system wins not with money but a better integrated structure of money and finance.

Government?  It will always see where its bread is to be buttered.  Those governed still butter it to some extent.  The big players to a greater extent.  Big players with the most money to the greatest extent.  Tech has big money.  Tech is logically smart.  Produces big smart well designed systems to do big things.

Finance is a big physical/conceptual structure.  So is the Internet of Things.  Many big conceptual structures operate on the IoT provided by Tech that Tech also uses for its in-house structure and operation.  The expansion of Tech to things outside of its legacy domain is a natural progression when it gets to certain points of development.

I think this is the point where Tech says it can do a better job of structuring Finance than in its role of working for Finance.  There are simply too many entrenched in the established institution to work with and do what is obviously systemically necessary to bring it into alignment with the Information 
Just too stogy to work with.  Tech has walked away from those kind of problem domains and simply built a better rail road system on which to run the rail road and called it an airline.

It is a business model of growing the business.

Advantage:  Tech!

The lobby is only a key point of entry to the problem domain that holds the keys to a kingdom.  There will be many in government that see the winds of change blowing the same as their counteparts in Finance.  The train is leaving the station and those who wish to be on board will jump quickly.

Behind the scenes of the lobby, like the back office operations, the wheels of Tech will be hard at work in system design and implementation.  Tech has not just a foot in the door but a head start with the IoT.

On the government side there are agencies that see the change coming that will be on either side of the line in the sand.  NSA will certainly be one of them.  There will be bargaining competition as to which sector, Tech or Finance will provide the greatest amount of information input to the NSA mill.  Each has privacy to protect but Tech has the greater ability to protect privacy.  Finance just has a vault like a Swiss Bank.  It cannot give the NSA the back door to its vault.  It is probably the only backdoor key that NSA does not have it because government in a bargain with the devil agreed with Finance that the NSA either would not be allowed to get it.  Or, as a better bargaining chip, has it but will not be allowed to look without consent strictly controlled by Finance. Wish the public had that much power but who is our lobby?

This is the Super Bowl where the top two contenders battle it out.  Finance vs Tech.  Winner owns the only game in town.

I can see it written on the wall.

If not now then when?

When it becomes a crises that is too good not to take advantage of?

It is now.

The Futures Market is probably making its bets.  There are some real risks that some Financial players may have to eat and there is no way to avoid the risk of eating them, big time.

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