Monday, November 17, 2014

Me and the Director of the NSA and Warfare

I understand Keith Alexander.  I feel the same compulsion that drove him as director of the NSA.

Total information all the time is total and absolute control.  Absolute control means absolute power to enforce control.

Alexander wanted total information on everyone.  Foreign or domestic. Control at the unique individual person level.  Every last bit of information about them in real time and in history.  In his world of control the granular level was the uniquely identified individual to which information can be associated or attributed.  No individual evades the given number of hops from the relationship of one individual to another.  All individuals are uniquely identified and associated on some level.  Nobody is not identified.  The total population is identified.  Like a super census.  No Exceptions.

What I want is total information on money like Alexander (and NSA as a continuing institution) wants on all people.  Control down to the basic granular level.  That level is one unique person for the NSA to which all info is attached.  That level for money is one uniquely identified digital serialized dollar in the denomination of one.  Each and every unique dollar in the total population is uniquely identified and subject to absolute information in real time and history.

The end game level of control is "All present and accounted for".  Maybe it helps to have a military mindset to understand that phrase.

One day at sea the Executive Officer (XO) was viewing the daily muster on the ship at sea.  It did not match yesterday's muster count.  Muster on a ship is important.  It can change at sea due to helo/fixed wing traffic, high line transfer, man overboard, rescue of a non-ship member at sea or death.  Maybe a birth nowadays?  I was old navy.  Total personnel count all the time.  Man overboard meant all hands to muster stations for a count.  That is what the XO did that day and was furious when the count did not match what was reported to him that morning.  Every division kept counting until counts matched. 

Every permanently attached sailor on board had a personnel record.  It could be viewed at any time by their division officer.  All officer's records could be viewed by the  XO.  The XO's by the CO.  Every on board member also had a pay record and a medical record.  My disbursing officer could view all pay records.  I could also but never looked at an individual one but did count and verify all cash on hand which also had its own record.  Just like all controlled items like weapons, security codes, medical substances including gold leaf for the dentist and medicinal brandy were on record by individual unit measurement and inventoried periodically.  My food stores and repair parts as well but not as strict as money or controlled drugs.  Enumeration of things was important from every component of the ship and things on board it all the way up to the hull number on port and starboard side of the bow.

I never thought about shipboard control like that while on board but in distant hindsight I see it now.  I was stock control officer on my first ship.  I had an IBM card for each of the 30,000 items I controlled.  Looking in hindsight at my entire career the degree of control (and responsibility) that I either had or was responsible for designing systems to control was story of my service.  One assignment extended to nuclear weapons and reactors.

Control was not just important.  It was the ultimate military mission objective applied to our own personnel and material forces.  Enemy forces as well:   Kill and destroy in defense of freedom.  Total information is how that is done.

The military mindset is an excellent attribute for the head of the NSA.

Admiral Michael S. Roberts is the current Director, NSA.  The link is analogous to looking at his personnel record.  He has one.  A pay record too.  Also a medical/dental record.  A Background Investigation (BI) record.  A security clearance record.  A chain of fitness reports going back to his first one.  The CNO, Chairman of the JCS, SecDef and President could look at all of them, I suppose.  I wonder if he could look at theirs?  Interesting question as to who watches the watchers.  There is always counter-intelligence.

A senior military member has responsibility for the safety and security of the nation through control of an enormous  Information System with relatively unlimited available resources including R&d as the head of the NSA. 

How is the person going to run his Command?

All present and accounted for as well as all info about every unique individual.

I would run the Monetary System the same way.  I would be the Disbursing Officer of the NSA but I would go beyond having every person's pay record.  I would have a record for every individual uniquely serialized unit of one dollar in the safe.  That is the way it is done on a ship.  I would extend the system however to keep every individual's dollar (and if added up then he dollar owned total) in the safe and a personnel pay record to which it must balance substantiating ownership of the dollar in the safe.  The dollar in the safe would never leave.  Only the ownership of that dollar related to a shipboard member would change on the shipboard pay record.  The dollar in the safe would know the accounting chain history of every on board member that ever had ownership of the dollar in the safe.

Every citizen is a personnel member on board the USS United States,  Hull number 1.

If I had stayed in I would have never been a contender for selection as Director, NSA but I like to think I could have been his Disbursing Officer.  I did not care how the sailors on the ship spent their money but I certainly kept good records on the money they did spent like sailors do.

Looking at the big picture, military members give up rights to privacy as defenders of freedom.  They can however vote with their feet which became and remains a great matter of concern for force retention.

We are all headed in that direction but how can we vote with our feet?

We can't.  That is how everything is controlled.  Total war, all the time. 

“Compared to war, all other forms of human endeavor shrink to insignificance. God help me, I do love it so.”
George S. Patton Jr.
"War is a Racket"  
Major General Smedley Butler, 1935

Money is a child of finance in the world order.

The new warfare is one of economic dominance, regardless of the nature of other orders of philosophy.  Maybe it always was the root of warfare.  A warfare in which some die and some make a killing.

Financial warfare is something we all do every day. This warfare must be controlled for the common good, meaning those that "suffer (by definition)" as casualties of this financial warfare (many truly die) are protected as a security obligation of government and the ambition of those that make a killing from it are also controlled.  To do this "Money" must be extracted as an object and made independent of Finance and managed by the government as its Sovereign right.  That extraction is done by designing a monetary system that converts money from a debt based object created by the banking system to a debt free asset object created by the government for the common good as well as the defense of the nation on a level economic world wide competitive playing field that uses Money in a Finance application.   A competitive playing field on which is played out a race to the top of our collective aspirations, not a race to the bottom.

The Olympics is a good model. 

The Olympics is warfare played out in sport.

Maybe military method is not really a form of diplomacy.

Conceptual military methods of strict command and control in the support of the common good and freedom principals of our nation can make a contribution to our social structure if applied to a Monetary System independent of use of money in a Financial System.

We certainly need Regulators and regulation control over the use of money in the financial system.  I think that Bill Black would agree with that.  Conceptually, military structures do that kind of thing very well.

The NSA is conceptually and extraction of  Information Warfare from (but tightly linked to) hardware warfare.  A product of our information age.  Economic warfare is the big scale war in the information age.  All the little shooting wars just make sound an fury in the background but get all the attention.

Military coup to take over governments and/or governing control of social structures is a fact of history and a common theme of fiction.

What really runs the world structure of governance is money.  Dollar as the Reserve Currency rules as it is applied to finance.  Military forces protect that domination as it is used in finance and thereby protect our financial control of the world and the financial system that enables it.

What makes war a racket is protecting the financial application of money.

The military mission (appropriately assigned to the NSA) should be to internally protect a Monetary System totally open to transparency with privacy protection established by government independent of its Financial Application that is a matter of public and private rules and regulations.

That's my best shot!

The Pentagon Preps for Economic Warfare - April 2009

Such war-games are consistent with a raft of Pentagon planning documents which suggest that National Security Agency (NSA) mass surveillance is partially motivated to prepare for the destabilising impact of coming environmental, energy and economic shocks.

It is not about economic warfare.  Economics is Finance.  Economics is about what is done with money.  Money is at the root.  It is about Monetary System Warfare.  Control Money and economics is controlled.

Monetary warfare more of an information warfare matter.  Therefore appropriately a matter of the NSA as well as action.  The military is the hardware arm of warfare to apply hardware to the problem.  Blow things up.  The NSA is the information arm to provide the military info in order to blow things up.  However when the necessary action is purely information defense or offensive action then the NSA is the actor, not the military.

What is the NSA game plan for Monetary System Warfare?  Is it being simulated, tested now?

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