What is the Meme? The big Meme Frame?
It is always the Trinity Meme. The frame that explains the mystery of One. It has been successful in two of our core social concepts: Religion and Politics. It expresses itself in so many other fundamental things like family. Our Noun/Verb/Noun language structure.
The Trinity Meme can also be applied to Money. There is an advantage here because the Trinity Meme is so well established and understood as a Universal Meme. Money can simply be explained in the same manner.
The problem is that what money is and what money does today can't be conceptually explained in the Trinity Meme because it is not the clear cut derivative implementation of the purity of the three part Trinity Meme concept in our society. Neither is our Political System. Something was lost along the way. That something has to be restored. We have to see and understand the impurity of the implementation as the cause of the failure of money (politics) to serve us and correct it.
Religious Trinity: I ain't gonna go there here. One God (Unity) One God divided into three parts. Father, Spirit, Son. You go figure the rest.
Political Trinity: One Government ( Unity of the People). One Government divided into three parts: Legislative, Judicial, Executive.
Computational Trinity: One Number. The number One divided into Logic, Language, Structure.
Language Trinity: The Word. The Word divided into Subject, Verb, Object.
Family Trinity: One Family divided into Father, Children, Mother. Children in the verb aspect of the relationship that it implements between the Father and the Mother.
New Family Trinity: One Family divided into Person, Love, Person. The relationship where the child is in the traditional family is replaced by the more abstract concept of a child: Love.
Interesting when we replace the middle physical thing connecting the other two things in the trinity with a conceptual, non physical object.........Then we call it a new thing, a thing that cannot be. It is neither new nor not allowed. The fundamental nature of a trinity relationship is conceptual. Sometimes one or more of the trinity things is a physical thing. That does not change nor contradict the concept of trinity. Unless we allow that contradiction in our minds. The concept of God made physical man (son) is fact in many minds. The concept is good. Otherwise, all our conceptual thinking would not progress to implementing (giving birth to) thoughts in our real world. Bringing the heaven of thought down to earth, so to speak. The Son is the physical manifestation of Love (Holy Spirit) between Father and Son.
Money Trinity: This is where some thought is required to compare:
Money in the real world, which I have a hard time understanding but can if I learn.
Money as it would be if it was a pure expression of a Trinity Relationship.
There is a trinity relationship Problem Domain here called: Cup, Slip, Lip.
or, using the Trinity Model: It is a sub-domain trinity with Problem in the center of the triangle picture. A sub-domain of one or more of the conceptual relationships between any of the three things in whatever is stated as the fundamental trinity, in this case Money. We certainly have a Money Problem!
The graphic example of a fundamental Trinity relationship that we can all recognize as a conceptual relationship given truth even if we do not accept the words used denoting premise or conclusion or anything in between as fact is this: In religion it is called the Mystery of Faith. Google it and you can see why it is a mystery. There are a lot of different views. I am not religious but I see this trinity relationship fundamentally expressed in the physical world. The best expression has Language as the verb implementing the relationship between Logic and Structure, The entire Trinity; Logic, Language and Structure being the holy trinity of Computational Trinitarianism.
Its a concept template logic structure. Any comparable words fitting this trinity relationship we can understand or comprehend, even if we do not believe in the structure related to the specific conceptual words that can be inserted in the structure. If God in the center works for some then Science in the center would work for others. If God is in the center then the Language (Holy Spirit) become our Natural Language (English) implementing (explaining, connecting in our minds) the relationship between the Father (Logic) and the Son (Structure that brings heaven down to earth and makes it a physical/conceptual thing we can grasp in our minds that operate between the two but need a conscious expression product) Those words may or may not related to anything we personally believe in but can still understand. This is a freedom of belief. One's belief in the words inserted in the circles may be Another's fact. Both can agree to accept the template relationship as a self evident logic frame. (Given that they are reasonable).
When the Language used to Implement the relationship between Logic and Structure is Natural Language then we get a resulting product Structure. A narrative explanation of how the logic and the structure connect to make something we can see (physically or conceptually).
When the Language is Mathematical it does the same thing but with less ambiguity that is inherent in the nature of Natural Language. Unless, of course, the Natural Language is used with a high degree of precision as in law based on rules or as in a narrative explanation based on the rules of math or music.
Put money in the middle. The template rule is that two things at the triad points are nouns and the third thing is a verb. All three things in unity are the central thing. Our Money concept is not working well as a central thing in implementation because one of the "Is Not" connectors in its three thing nature is an "Is". Because "Is" and "Is Not" are two binary alternative choices, when the "Is Not" rule is violated, then the "Is" rule to the core core unity concept is also violated.
In other words:
If one of the things in the triad defines itself in terms of what it is directly and exclusively in relationship to another thing in the triad rather than what it is in relationship to each of the others going through what its relationship is to the core central thing.....
Then...drum roll...:
It is not "something related to" the core thing. An architectural structure relationship design failure that makes the design faulty and subject to poor performance or failure.
Each of the three things at the points of the triad can only have an exclusionary binary relationship to any other thing in the relationship. The binary is that it either has a relationship only through the core Unity Thing or it does not. It could therefore be said to have a dis-unity relationship. Or: Bad vibes"
What things are at the three points of the Money Trinity?
Clue #1: Two are nouns, one is a verb.
Clue #2: One noun is a Subject, the other is an Object of the Subject.
Stipulation: This is defining what money "Is" in its three part trinity. Not what money does. What money does is a derivative of this trinity. Its action is a medium of exchange in trade of two things. The intent here is to present, or discover, (hard to see but those things are simply unseen until we can sort it all out by discovery) what money is in relationship to itself. Then we can move on to what money does as a function of its conceptual nature in application to doing something in the real world.
So, if you jumped into to putting Buyer, Seller, at two points of the trinity and Money being the verb action as it changes hands then you do not get it. You are probably thinking like an economist. You can immediately see see you don't get it because Money is the core thing. You cannot therefore put it into the third point in the Triad. Go back to the stipulation and try again. Think of it this way: Money is the Unity Thing. It has the nature of all three trinity things in it to the extent it is the total combination of all three things.
(Keep in mind that this blog is me talking to myself, not to you who are really just listening to my thoughts and there are few that do that. This is a sound of one hand clapping blog but maybe that is what thinking is all about. Who knows where our thoughts come from. They come from somewhere....don't they. One hand clapping is as good as any other way to conceptualize it.?) Maybe it has its own trinity?
This is getting too heavy so I will apply Kelsey's rule number 6:
Fun with the God meme here. Take a break!
Another Clue: The three things in the trinity of money relate directly to Logic, Language and Structure of the Computational Trinity. Money in the center is the Unity of One.
Starting with the Unity Money at the Center, think of it as one single Platinum coin from which all units of money, as many as needed, are derived by division. Division to numbers right of the decimal point with the coin itself having a value of One. Or: The single physical coin itself having a specified denomination like 16 trillion and divided into 16 trillion digital serialized unites of one dollar each. That would be its structure.
Language seems to be in the domain of math. An exact language. Appropriate for money. Nouns in the math language are "operands" and verbs are "operators. The logic is Yin and Yang. Not Presence/Absence. Every thing that money is lies between 1 and zero. Money at the center One. Math language expresses that in terms of less than <1 but greater than >0.
The explanation of Money in Natural Language is therefore based on the more precise, less ambiguous language of Math. One that we do not commonly speak not understand. Translation of the math of money to the narrative of money has high probability that ambiguity (confusion of meaning in the details and the result) will be introduced. Introduced by design or default (nobody's fault, just our human failing called error, some are more prone than others, even our scientists).
The Cup, Slip, Lip problem trinity relates to Money due to both our human fallibility and our human inclination to turn fallibility of others to their own benefit by design. If Logic is a self evident fact because we say it is (a given proof that cannot be questioned) and we base a Structure on that Logic using a language then we can get some strange results out of a combination of our own human nature to make errors (or just not see what is unseen) and others to take advantage of the human nature. No questions please, they might reveal the unseen.
Does unquestioned authority ring a bell anywhere. Sounds unheard are like things unseen. Thoughts forbidden to think, not allowed to enter the mind as question. The ultimate mind control. If and when they do what is the best way to subvert them? The same thing that built a faulty Structure in the first place: Ambiguity, mystery of the unexplainable.
This is all out in left field, or right field brain stuff depending where you like to play the game. The focus however is home plate and that is Money. Baseball is played on a diamond. Three bases and Home Plate. Maybe the game of baseball is really played on a Trinity of bases with home plate at the center??????
Back to Money. The center thing in a trinity of Logic, Language and Structure.
What is all money was expressed as a single Platinum coin in the center of the Computational Trinity. The language is math but the narrative natural language (English) used to translate the math language exactly to one that we can understand better is based on the rigid rules of math language. No ambiguity in translation. That is a challenge! However: "Two plus two equals four" is a proof that it can be done.
Platinum coin at the center of the trinity is conceptually Unity. Unity becomes duality when it is divided into two parts (operands) by an operator. Unity then equals (is the same as) its binary expression of One (Noun/operand) and Zero (noun/operand) with an operator (verb) completing the expression. One plus/minus/(AnyOtherOperandHere) Zero is the same as One.
Were is the infallible truth in this trinity? It all depends on how you look at it.
One way of looking at it:
One is the greatest unity.
One is the smallest unity.
Conclusion: It doesn't matter or it all depends on where you stand or both.
What matters is everything in between One as the greatest expression and the least expression of unity. What lies between all and nothing. The alpha and the omega.
What lies beyond all and nothing is too much for me to think about. All I can think about is what is between.
What is between the single Platinum coin that could replace our national debt as the greatest single object Unitary thing conceptualization of all Money as well as the least Unitary thing conceptualization of an infinite number ($16 trillion dollars will do for the purposes of my examination (that is approximately the magnitude of the National Debt).
Beyond the Platinum Coin?
"In God We Trust"
Of course! That is an infallible given isn't it?
Who made that an infallible thing that is declared to be self evident?
That question leads to nowhere and everywhere.......
I just deal with what is in between.
On to examining the Platinum Coin.
What a long lead in to the next blog entry!
Hope you survived the tortuous journey.
For some that is the best kind if it goes somewhere.
Sisyphus would agree.
I started out this morning with the initial intent to simply delete this entire post with a click of the delete. To make it disappear like a loan that came from nothing goes to nothing. No, the post was not nothing even if it came into my mind from nothing. I gave nothing some degree of value because I worked on it. It is worth something, maybe more than I thought. Even if I could not sell it to anyone for anything (like money). It is a building block tool in the creation of something I can sell when it is ready for sale (has some self evident value to a buyer). Whenever that might be but it is worth continuing to roll the rock up to the top of the hill.
Perhaps the hell of Sisyphus was that he lost hope that there was a top of the hill. With hope he would continue to roll the stone up the hill forever knowing that he would get to the top somewhere short of forever, even if it was within an unvisitable infintesible inch.
I would call that the best Sisyphus could do short of the impossible. Something to be satisfied with. The attempt of the impossible is perhaps the most satisfying thing.... if I believe it is.
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