Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A Meme For Money, Part 2: The Conservative Framing

A very interesting discussion is taking place on NewEconomicPerspectives.org

My thinking about it:

Searching for the perfect meme. I believe it exists for us to find.  Money talks.  Going all the way back to the basics of language framing structure and Lakoff as a subject matter expert is like zero based budgeting.  Starting all over again.  A good refresher exercise when all we think we know seems to be so hard to express in meme terms to make things happen by letting a simple seed meme grow naturally, expand and evolve to dominance on its merits as a better meme.  We have an environment in which it can do that rapidly.   Language is simply a higher level universal medium of exchange between logic and conceptual structure.  Regardless of the specific framework structure to which logic and language are applied like MMT,  government, or Christmas. 

We are inclined to think in binary terms and language is a means to expresses that inclination.  Language does that to make the logic concept of a single entity, unity,  manageable in conceptual structures.  A structure by definition require two parts.  Balance sheet accounting is the product of binary based language creating an accounting structure.  Computers are binary based.  They are not only a positive electric charge or number one but also and absence of charge and one.

While we are normally inclined to deal with our conceptual world in binary terms and degrees of being between true and false, one and zero, it is amazing that we pause to think of something more fundamental from which everything is derived.  A very strong meme.

That is the appeal of the platinum coin.  A single unity thing of conceptual money.  Our money.  A coin that can be conceptually and mathematically segmented to a trillion or more discrete units.  Each unique entity instance unit having a counterpart in an presence/absence debit/credit balance sheet accounting system. 

The meme:  From one comes many.  Its all us, its all of us and all ours.  It is a place to start to build an MMT structure where money is conceptualized as one thing at the top not its binary sub-structure.  Sub-structures that inherits all the attributes of the top thing but in addition have their unique characteristics.

How about a meme contest?

Natural language has degrees of  ambiguity.  Math language has less, economist use it as  more precise tool to support narrative.  Computational science perhaps has the least ambiguity as we can see in the structures of our computer world, software and hardware.  Math is built on the logic concept of "One".  One is defined as single entity Unity.  The non-presence of Unity is Zero.  Computer structures that are exacting and precise at the binary level of one and zero up through operating systems and networks that result almost universal application to doing anything we can imagine for an application.  Application is what people see.  They see a good link, joke, movie, idea, they tell others.  They like it.  It passes a like test sufficient to pass it on or make it viral.

The meme is there.  Good luck in finding it.

Thinking about money really takes me back to the most fundamental thinking.  I found that explicitly expressed in the frame of computer science here: http://existentialtype.wordpress.com/2011/03/27/the-holy-trinity/ .  There are people commenting here that range from philosophical to nuts an bolts regarding theory. 

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