Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Money is a Joke

Here is the joke:

Money is no object,

Sooo,,,, where is the joke?  What is the punch line?

Like money, it is hard to get,

It is a type of joke that is a play on words,  that is a sub-class child of the SuperClass:Joke.

It inherits the Class attribute of funny in a very subtle and small way.  It must do that in order to be a joke, if it does not have some aspect of that attribute it is not a joke,  it is something else.

Here is the play on words necessary to get the joke:

Money is no object.  It is only a number (which of course is an object called a NumberObject.  There is no object identified as money that has attributes (in the digital world) that make it any different, either more or less than the SuperClass called numbers.

Our concept of money is as an object that has a number. 

To banksters, money is no object.

Banksters do not print physical money or conceptual digital money by pressing number keys on a keyboard.  They do not create the object called money.  Bankers create unique accounts.  All accounts belong to the Super Class of objects called Accounts.  Once they have created the account then they can put a number in it.

In the dual entry world of double entry bookkeeping, two accounts are actually created.  One for the asset aspect of the number and one for the liability aspect of the number.  The rule is that the net of these two accounts always balances to nothing.

So, what has the banker done?  The bankster created something out of nothing that always balances in two accounts to nothing until the number in both accounts is ultimately nothing.

Money is no object in the world of Object Oriented thinking other than a number.

My goal has been to define what money is.  To me it is an object.  It is not in the current system.  That is the problem.  It is debt.  In a debt free money system at the macro level (there will always be loans and debt as a sub system component of the total money system) money must become a SuperClass object sharing just one of its attributes with another SuperClass of objects called Numbers.

At the operating system level, Money exists as a unique Superclass dominating the conceptual structure of the system.  Currently, Account is the SuperClass that dominates the conceptual structure.  Account, or ownership of the money is simply a user view of Money called MyMoney.

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