Sunday, October 28, 2012

Account as an Object

This link provides a simple explanation of object:

This is an explanation of Account:

Notice how short and brief the description of the word "Account" is.

An account is the cornerstone of organizing asset and liability value in the financial world, it don't get much respect from Wikipedia.

Is the (unexplained) concept of  "Account" and its properties in Wikipedia, (which usually is my go-to source for common man knowledge organized in an object oriented fashion) saying something about itself when it immediately fails to describe any attributes of the Parent Class "Account" but skips to reference to child accounts inheriting attributes of the Parent Class?

Wikipedia describes the Account page as a "Disambiguation Page" which is described  here:

It seems like the word Account should have a better explanation of its nature, its properties.

If the failure of our monetary system is sub-optimized focus on the Super Class Object: Account as the cornerstone Object upon which the system is built and stripping the Super Class Object: Money of all of its properties and assigning them to Account?  That leaves money only having the attributes of a number:

If so, the conspiracy theory says:  Don't say too much about what the thing called Account is.  That would draw attention to the fact that the entire financial system has been built on the wrong fundamental premise of debt.


Because Account is everything in the financial world.  Money is only a number in an account.  Money only implements relationships between Accounts. 

Something that implements relationships between two things is  verb.  An action.  Money has the single attribute of a number.  What is the essential conceptual attribute of a number?

It's ability to change as a reference relationship?

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