Sunday, February 13, 2011

Just Change the Class (a work in progress)

Just change the class.

My note on where this going and how to develop it.

(This is a work in progress entry that remains to be developed.  It intends to apply object oriented thinking to a social problem that really was as immense as the money problem today.  It deals with historical enslavement of individuals to maximize benefit to those that designed and operated the enslavement system.  Applying object oriented thinking to creating a view of an historical problem and its resolution describes a methodology to applying it to our current monetary problems.

I think that a fundamental truth of an object oriented system is that if two different object classes have the same attributes they are in fact the same and are really members of a single class. 

To change the money system, all that is necessary is to change the class to which money belongs.  Somewhere in this is the genesis in this a good idea to illustrate the application of object oriented class diagrams to describe another view of an historical event that changed our nation.

The first step would be to describe the issue of slavery and its resolution in narrative form.  This is the first step in information engineering.  The narrative form is then parsed to discover classes of objects, their relationships to other classes, the attributes of things within classes and the interaction of messages passed between classes to invoke actions that the objects in the class know how to do.

A well crafted narrative statement created with understanding the parsing the will follow contributes to the structure of the content of the statement.  Some brilliant people who express themselves extremely well as a natural gift produce statments that can be translated in the mind of an object oriented information engineer simultaneous with reading or listening to the statement.  It is like a translator that listens to english and translates it to Spanish.

All it takes to start with is a clear, concise, well structured statement of the situation and the problem to start with.  Then parsing of the statement to extract the object oriented translation and various representations of the narrative.    

I skipped ahead to beginnings of an object oriented parsing of a narrative which existed in my head.  I will go back to produce the narrative first.  Actually, I skipped ahead to Part Two because that is more like the way I think than a starting with a narrative and building one it.  The narrative is mostly necessary to explain a concept to someone that does not think like I do.  Nerds talk nerd and have to translate in their heads to POL Plain Old English.  Actually, I think it may help to develop a better POL statement that way.

If you look at Part 2 a just a different way of presenting an specialized type of outline of Part 1 narrative perhaps it makes more sense.  Outlines often are the first thing in formalizing the structure of the narrative to follow.

There is a pony in this pile somewhere!) 


Part One:  The Narrative Discription.

The civil war did not end slavery.  It paved the way.  (Work in Progress Narrative)

Part Two:  Moving the Narrative a Step Closer to its Object Oriented Form
Slavery was ended by a simple change in the ObjectClass to which a collection of individual Persons identified as Slaves were assigned.

To grasp the significance of this statement it is necessary to look at where the class of People called Slaves existed in the contextual structure of Society and how Slaves related  to other things in the big picture of the World.  Examining the act of changing the Attributes of the class of people called Slaves shows that changing their attributes made them the same as another existing class of people called Citizens in terms of a Civil Authority.

Time for a definition of terms;

SuperClass:  Click for a technical definiton. These are the big things at the top of the system structure. In this discussion these are SuperClass Objects:


An instance of the SuperObjectClass World  is World are in sub classes Citizens or NonCitizens.

An entire sub-group class of People called People-NonCitizens-USA-Slaves was abolished within System-Authority-Political-USA subsequent to settling a dispute in the attributes of the class at the level called Authority-Political-USA.  Persons previously in the class People-NonCitizens-USA-Slaves were moved to a different object class by a design amendment to the class System-Authority-Political-USA-Constitution.

The sub-class of Slaves within the parent class People-NonCitizens-USA-Slaves was effectively abolished by changing the position within the ObjectClass System SuperClass of People of the subclass identified by Slave from the class People-NonCitizen-USA it as a subclass of the System.  This action was required because of the contradiction and violation of System Rules that require Child Classes of Parent Classes to inherit all attributes of the Parent Class and only distinguish themselves as Child Classes by their unique additional attributes.

The parent class Citizen-USA has the attribute "free".  In practice, the class Slaves did not inherit this attribute from its parent class.  Consequently, in practice Slaves were really Non-CitizensUSA

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