Thursday, January 3, 2019

Business Intelligence - Oath

The previous blog entry started out with me staring at the new 4k monitor and beginning to see the clarity of what was staring me in the face.what was staring at me.

This is what I stared at for a long time as meaning of what I saw presented itself like writing on the wall.

This is what I saw at first was the daily news.  It changes every day.
Today it presented the new of President Bush.  Died at age 94.

What I was looking for was not the news headline but the meta structure linkage that discovers actionable data and presents findings.  The web relationships of things in that meta structure.  What does not change on the web page.

What I was looking for is at the bottom of the web page.  The link that does not change on a web page that by its very nature is changing all the time to something new.  It is probable that the link is persistent and will remain where it is for a long time.

Find "Oath Brand" at the bottom of the web page and click on it.  Follow me as I explore a short distance where it takes me and I can see where it is going to.

It takes me to this link:

Helps to have two monitors.

The link that the brand are structured on is
Introducing the unified suite of intelligent advertising and publishing solutions designed to help you solve today’s challenges and realize tomorrow’s opportunities.

It offers a link for choice of Marketer or Publisher to follow.



What I see;  This is a system to discover and identify specific customers to whom profitable marketing efforts may be precisely addressed.

That broad statement can be linked to precise meaning of purpose and intent when translated from the coding of Natural Language to a more precise language intended to reduce ambiguity at several levels of processing to the certainty of a customer to whom something is intended to be sold.

That is an ambiguous statement!  Run it through an ambiguity reduction filter and the exact intention of looks like the Intelligence Model.  What is the Parent linkage of

It is owned by Verizon.

The Oath:

Looks good.

Trust but verify

Oath Foundation

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