Thursday, August 23, 2018

In Database Machine Learning - Narrow Focus Human Specific Purpose Coding is So Old School Pick and Shovel Work

A different way of looking at the utility of Data Mining.  I have personally framed my perception of extracting information from a database in terms of Data Mining.  (DataMining). to discover and extract the golden nugget or nuggets.  Lacking the tools or ability to do mass processing of all the data bearing universe I call my data mining efforts "Pick and Shovel" old school data mining.  The only advantage I have over digging through everything is that I have some real and intuitive knowledge of where to look for the gold without sifting through the entire mountain that narrows the probability of finding it.

That is the type of data mining I use to extract nuggets of information then knowledge from the Deschutes County Assessor Records on Dial.
My Safari browser gives a garbled view of the site.  Use a different browser to see the link.

The Interactive Map link at the site is my shortcut to where what I define as the "gold" is to be found.  The gold?  Those property owners not paying their fair share in taxes.

In Data Base Machine Learning is a better way to get to the gold.  Build a machine that self learns how and where to find the gold and apply it to the Database and let it go to work for me.

Fantastic Business Model.  Just teach the machine to be intelligent enough to teach itself to recognize the gold when it sees it.  It can see it so much better than me and vastly more efficient than an army of programmers investing their specific sector human brain intelligence engineering knowledge to construct millions of lines of program code in software development that controls the Data Mining process.

My new view of Data Mining is to be done is to drop the pick and shovel development of code by humans to create a tool to do it and Paradigm Shift to In Database Machine Learning approach to enable the Machine to learn to find it.


There is gold in them there hills of tax records!   Hidden gold by those that have it by avoidance and evasion.  Gold that belongs to all of us.

This is the new gold rush:

The objective:

Create an AI to "See Something, Say Something" with the  intelligence of a self taught genius.

The flow of real time data for machine learning is no different, except for the time data element (zero time or eternal now time) than ZeroTime NowTime data captured and stored in a database with a BlockChain time stamp.

Real Time is a NowTime DataBase.  It would be reasonable to conclude that In Data Base Machine Learning would learn equally well from NowTime or TimeStampTime.

Time is simply a data element to a machine that reduces the human work/time production relationship to relatively nothing.  It only needs to know the relationship of the data element time to any other object data element.

There is no "Lump Of Labor" to a self teaching/learning AI machine to either go to college or go do work in the classic sense of relatively resource constricted human labor manual labor or conceptual labor like software codeing.  Even human labor is not economically restricted to a Lump of Labor.

Maybe this (extracted from the preceding link)  is exactly what a self taught/learning AI machine would knowledgeably tell us about ourselves and our capital system:.......................

“The great merit of the capitalist system, it has been said, is that it succeeds in using the nastiest motives of nasty people for the ultimate benefit of society.” 

That wise observation came from a very smart human intelligence.

Interesting spontaneous thought:  Not everything that was said was really said by those to whom it is attributed:

"Misattributions are commonplace. Often it is simply the assignment of a saying to a historical celebrity because, “who ever heard of Austin Robinson?” Mark Twain, Abe Lincoln, Gandhi, Stalin and Winston Churchill are said to have said many a saying they never said."

A self learning AI would know that and apply it knowledgeably on a case basis.

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