Friday, April 20, 2018


Palantir, the surveillance company has been the subject of prior blog entries:;postID=2823509780168611714;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=1;src=link;postID=2383495835510502299;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=2;src=link;postID=6172034795976830053;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=3;src=link

The first link is extremely revealing.  Revealing the application of weaponized information to the civilian domain and treating civil society, the subset of the financial domain as a warfare intelligence domain to discover those that may, intentionally or by error threaten the Financial Institution.  The Financial Institution paying big bucks in terms of systems and and human operatives to get the info, analyze it an take necessary action to protect the Institution......and probably discover intelligence information about other entities playing in the Financial Domain.

Finance is a warfare scenario.  One that includes internal counter-intelligence.  The inside enemy is perhaps the most dangerous?  Of course they are!  They are the ones that know the most and can use that knowledge for anything counter to the operation of the institution.  Personal benefit in some way as a conflict of interest to corporate objectives or even criminal intent.  The best way to rob a bank is to own it......or be an internal employee that has the position and knowledge to rob it internally.  Maybe not robbing the gold but the gold of internal confidential information.  The Information Age Gold Mine.

How long will it take for Palantir to look at this blog entry.  Not much longer if I start to throw in some well selected keyword or selected phrases for Artificial Intelligence to chunk.  AI search is no longer on keyword,  I can do that with Google.  It its on total content that is chunked in context of its own  entire content as well as the content of all the graded links that it can be related to.

Used to be that was the domain of the NSA.  What we have now is technological leakage to the private sector of warfare ways and means paid for by our government.  Paid by our government to universities, contractors, even to governmental employees that take their knowledge with them as they go out the door and then some of the top level managers come back thru the revolving door for state of the art updates.   Not even top level managers as lower level government employees in the information science and application see the rich opportunities on the private sector side.  It is a mercenary situation in the Information Warfare domain.

This is really rich in irony:

"It all ended when the bank’s senior executives learned that they, too, were being watched, and what began as a promising marriage of masters of big data and global finance descended into a spying scandal."

A Financial Institution that has an ethical  fiduciary responsibility to it clients which it violates for its own gain learns that they are the victims of fiduciary responsibilities of employees that put their own interests and personal gain benefit ahead of the Institution!

The joys of just deserts!

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