Friday, October 27, 2017

Blockchain Reporting, Way Back Machine and BlockChain Time Test

This morning I woke and carried something from dreamland into the real world as my eyes opened to look at the lit numerals on my watch:  5:00 AM.

The dream thought was about Blockchain and Google Wayback Machine.  This is not a link to Google site (?) but to an Internet Archive.*/

It looks like a crawler (Google's?) goes out to crawl the WorldWideWeb WWW to establish a snapshot at a point in time. There are 306 billion web pages saved over time since 1998.

"Saved 563,242 times between November 11, 1998 and October 27, 2017."
I interpret that "Saved" is obviously the the product of saving the results of the crawl.  I must simply guess that the results of the crawl are filtered at least to the extent that if there was no change since the last web page crawl there is no need to update it.....A standard method filter in an archive backup I would guess without any need to establish that is in fact true.  I think it works that way and will take that as true.  Ok, more true than false in my fuzzy mind.

Most web pages don't matter in the scheme of relative Information Value.  Who knows at the point in time when a Web Page is captured.  That is why the NSA captures everything that goes online far beyond the domain of the WWW.  When a needle in a haystack must be found the entire haystack must already be captured and indexed in some manner to accomplish the search.

The waking thought remained with me and bloomed while drinking coffee making my routine rounds of morning information websites.  I hit on this one which reports on something that has been in the news lately:
From the Daily Inter Lake:

Good reporting stuff:  Information worth archiving. Certainly the newspaper will record it in its digital files just like they probably retained a printed copy of all its daily papers before the Digital Age.  Printed on paper.  Not just one piece of newspaper but thousands of the same daily edition, millions if the NY Times.  Who knows who else is keeping a copy for some reason that would serve to validate the original type set original that produced so many copies.  I imagine there are still a lot of old copies dated December 7th.

How are the results of a Google Crawl archived.  They should be archived in a Blockchain.  Maybe they are.  Hashed to a single coded verification of each crawl to lock in the hashed result for comparison to a rehash of the same crawl.  That is a test to see if anything was rewritten in history.  Also if anything was simply deleted which is rewriting history by erasure.

Probably been done.  But that is a guess.

A Federal judge says the Way Back Machine is a legitimate source of evidence.  Maybe so.  Like all evidence it is at the mercy of subject matter expert opinion making it fuzzy evidence.  But hey, its a domain of preponderance of evidence and shadow of doubt.  If the evidence was blockchained then there is no objective doubt of exactly what was stated in some manner, only the subjective interpretation in context of what was said.  That might throw it into the domain of an English Major subject matter expert.

No need for questioning the objective blockchain verified truth that whatever was stated is in fact exactly what was stated with no fiddling with re-writing the BlockChain History.

Is the Way Back Machine Blockchained?

It should be.

What else might be BlockChained?  Everything!  That is a wide domain of application that begs for prioritization.

Currency first.  There is nothing more important regarding public trust and confidence.

In BlockChain We Trust.

Things that document Information that has a high degree of TrustImportanceValue stand in a priority line for application of BlockChain technology.  That is a subjective prioritization thing based on what is most important to a narrow self interest benefit.  Often correlating with Money.  Private Enterprise Money Making.  Profit.  The Public Sector is a stake holder in Money as well but not for profit but the Common Good.

BlockChain is like a fuel storage tank.  Information Energy.  Potential Energy.  Energy Captured from an Energy Source (Information) locked into substance and stored in a Blockchain for potential use.  When that energy depends greatly of its Truthiness BTU content value (British Truthiness Unit) it has high priority for BlockChain storage and use.

In this era of False News, Fake News, we are beginning to see False and Fake news for what it is when we can go back to the historical archives of Media like the Way Back Machine and expose those that spout false news at least to the objective truth extent of existence in a BlockChain and the Subjective interpretation of Fact.

That interpretation is  FuzzyThing even when it is sourced in what was truly recorded in Blockchain History.  It gives new meaning to the Test Of Time.  (TestOfTime)

BlockChain is our best conceptual method of the Information Age to Test Time.

BlockChain is a TestOfTime.

Score!  Put big points on my bragging rights score board!

That phrase:  "Blockchain is a Test of Time" and "Block Chain is a Test of Time" has never been entered to the WWW as found by the Google Crawler!  I claim bragging rights as the first to enter it in the WWW! much I can brag about my value in coining that phase as a CryptoCurrency Coin depends on the entirely on the value it gains in spending it.  It is an EnglishLanguage system Initial Coin Offering.  It only has value when it is spent meaning that some FirstSpender and FirstReceiver in the BlockChain gave it CoinValue by making it worth something by the function of spending it as a medium of exchange that also transferred ownership of the object exchanged to a new owner that retains the right of Open Source Use even after transferring the object in an OpenSource BlockChain to anyone else that finds it of enough value to use as an expression of an abstract conceptual thought.

Otherwise I could copyright the phrase and make it a proprietary Business Name and associate it with a Brand Trade Mark.

Bragging Rights in the Public Domain associated with some questionable value to be determined in the future like an ICO as a contribution to the code of English Language are more fun.

"Block Chain Stands the Test of Time"
as of this blog entry publication time and date has been expressed twice on the WWW.  While conceptually it precedes my exact phrase it has a sibling conceptual object relationship with an attribute that makes it similar but not the same.....somehow, otherwise it throws shade on my expression.  Maybe only some shade.  "Block Chain Stands" means it Proves Itself over Time.  A function: ProvesItselfOverTime.  My expression "BlockChain is a Test of Time"  is the same as BlockChain=Time.

Time is a BlockChain. They are the same proved by the function of TestOverTime.  However TestOverTime really means Test in AbsoluteInstantEternalNowRealTime not the passage of Time which is essentially History.


"Time is a Blockchain"  "Time = Blockchain"

"Time is the Ultimate Blockchain"

If we are to chose a thing to worship as the FirstThing of AllThings then that thing would be Time that was spontaneously originated from nothing (Function of  Nothing) like an ICO and was given or endowed with object attributes as a function of spending that started the clock with the first "Tick".

Props to the original author Thomas Cloer
"Block Chain Stands the Test of Time"
Google avoiding what a Google AI NLP API tells us about the analysis of associations of words in Natural Language context use?  Those words are indexed in context.  Like a Blockchain if not a Blockchain like a examined in this Blog entry.  It is like looking at what we collectively say in the use of Natural Language and not liking the results sooooo.  Change the function to produce the desired result.  And.....apologize for producing a functional result based on objective analysis of actual (truthy) facts on the ground.
Perhaps voting should be high on the BlockChain priority list.  It is however a Public Sector thing which takes overall backseat to Private Sector driven priorities and solutions to the Problem Domain of Profits with Common Good Governance in the back seat that has the voice to say where the driver is to go but no hands on the wheel.  One steers the other navigates.  Who gets to whose destination tells how the trip goes.  Don't like were we got to?  Just erase the proof of how we got there over the course of time.

Backup methodology hash is the closest step to Blockchain.  Kind of like the last mile but unlike the difficulty of laying that in it is the easiest step to take by means of how we take steps in the Public Domain.  Make a Law requiring it.

Voting is important.

Too much for government to BlockChain?  Get a little space on that NSA server farm in Utah (and unknown elsewheres).

Time is a blockchain.  Time:Past is a Blockchain of seconds, minutes, proceeding in lockstep.  The validated and proof of work for this thing called time.  It is a very broad conceptual view of Time from the PointOfEntry of Blockchain.  I see it more everyday as news media goes back through  the Time:Blockchain and pulls a snapshot of an instance of all Time:Past into Time:Present.  Pulls video or photos documenting a state of Time:Past from any selected instance of Time into the present. 

Today is a good example.  Collusion with Russia is being investigated.  What is the truth?  It is hard to find but the wheels of justice grind exceedingly small.  There is some truth found in the the Blockchain of time locked into video.  What was said.  Comedic observers of the RealWorld are using historic video in support of their presentations with great success.  Nothing indicts like a person's own words and actions locked into the Time:Blockchain of history.

I love it!  It is an elegant example of the cat skinning itself.  The 5th is a protection from self incrimination.  Self waiving that right leading to self exposure of the truth is a wonderful thing to see.   Public figures are always on stage and often seek it to say what they say and like Halloween  today it comes back to haunt them as the specter of Blockchain truth. 

Big news media must have vast files of historical recorded Blockchain:Time and an application to search it in many ways to find a needle in the haystack of time.

Needle in the Haystack of Time.  I like that phrase.  Information technology has delivered the ability to find that needle quickly and accurately.  What happens and is in the news today can quickly be searched to produce needles from the past to stick it whoever or whatever it relates to that same night or sooner.


Maybe this connects to an idea from another entry in this blog:  RealTime Artificial Intelligence analysis of the degree of truth in what person says based on the BlockChain of recorded history.

Google 2.0?

The AI App name that does this?




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