Friday, March 31, 2017

Best Sunshine Live Casino - Saipan

This link:  Best Sunshine Live Casino Investigated by FBI

Looks like a very probable (Where there is big smoke, maybe big fire) cause!  I smell smoke and it does not pass the smell test!

I liked the idea behind this previous blog entry. :   ISO 4217 and Tongan Debt Free pa'anga

The link idea was to select an island nation for an experiment in a debt free monetary system.  The link looked at Tonga.  The King could simply decree it.  The link did not mention that the debt free monetary system be blockchain based but the King could decree that it would be.  The King would decree exactly what money "Is" on his island.  Coin of the realm, so to speak.  It is the only money to be used as the medium of exchange on his island.  Use of any other medium of exchange would be punishable by law.  What might be the specific nature of the punishment?  Being an island nation perhaps it would be swimming with sharks.  Something that carried teeth!

This blog entry is beginning to be fun!

The same link looked at another island: Palau.

From that link:
"Palau has a population of 21,000 and uses the US Dollar  as its currency.  It has a no external national debt compared to our $16 trillion..................
................Looks to me like it is a debt free country.  If a country is debt free then it has no offsetting public savings, unless, of course, its uses another country's monetary unit as the medium of exchange.  Where is the debt held in that case, who holds it?  What if all the money came in from tourists and stayed on the island to become its total money in circulation to be increased or decreased by going "off island".  It must go off island unless it is a totally self sustaining country.  There most certainly is a balance of trade to maintain a steady money supply.  Do they also have low inflation?"

What if an Island Nation with a small population had an independent exclusive official debt free blockchain based monetary system as the only medium of exchange on the island.  All inhabitants and visitors could only hold and spend money on the island  in the form of the official currency.  The Official Island Bank would be the manager of the Blockchain monetary system.  All visitors would be required by law to have an account at the bank and convert whatever foreign currency they carried into the country had to be exchanged for the Bank's Blockchain currency.   Holdings in the Bank's blockchain currency could only be exchanged for the same currency brought into the country and held by the Bank.

Furthermore:  Any external entity wishing to do business with anyone on the island must have an account at Island Bank blockchain currency.

All Island Money in Island Bank must be linked to a beneficial owner.  A real owner, not some designated party or post office box scam.

The blockchain monetary system would have a public record of transactions.  Transactions in the blockchain system are actually the coin of the realm.


Follow the Money

Follow the Money Through Transactions

The World's Hidden Wealth 
Can't be hidden on an island!

Money Cannot Be Followed, Only Transactions

Blockchain Transactions - Action Based or Object Based - Granular level

Best Sunshine Live Casino - Saipan

An excellent name for a Casino that wishes to operate in the darkness of untraceability.  Thorough audited of course to assure that everything is legit!

Let the sun shine on the Casino in Saipan by making all medium of exchange transactions on the island in the Island Blockchain Monetary System.

What would that system look and feel like in application?

It would look and feel like playing/paying/receiving money in an in house casino system based on chips.  The chips, blockchain currency would only be good on the entire island.  Exactly who would be making/losing money would be transparent or at least discoverable in Island Bank Accounts with probable cause for discovery.

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