Special Forces role has expanded in all dimensions of scope to become a prime instrument of boots on the ground military might. "Targeted Missions" wearing boots are the analog of drone warfare in this age when war has no defined front line but is more focused on pockets of resistance. Finding them, eliminating them.
Special Forces has its own multiplying factor effect. Its look and feel mission spins off into militarized police forces like SWAT, private security like Tiger Swan and the multitude of government agencies with home and abroad focus on intelligence and surveillance.
An alternate response to 911 was policy to treat the attack as a criminal case and pursue the perps and associated supporting and enabling criminals and bring them to justice. The path the US took was to treat it as an act of war and invade Iraq in a traditional warfare mode. Afghanistan followed in the same manner.
Michael Ladeen was a key player in fomenting the Iraq war. Now his name crawls out from the background again as do so many of his fellow neocons that rally around our newly elected tool to send the world into chaos to serve whatever hidden agenda they may have like Protecting the Realm.
Michel Ladeen is only one of many players in the history of neo conservatism driving us into war to serve their agenda:
The following link is extremely important. It names all the usual suspects and covers their involvement in recent history extremely well exposing their agenda and how they implement it. The timeline of the following link ends in 2009. It needs an update but lays out the same path, same direction becoming more apparent with every additional year and clearly showing that they are winning their objectives.
Extracting Ladeen from this excellent link as one of the usual suspects:
Michael Ledeen. [Source: Publicity photo via American Enterprise Institute]In his book, Machiavelli on Modern Leadership, neoconservative Michael Ledeen measures modern leaders against Machiavelli’s rules for leadership and concludes that “[e]ven after a half a millennium, Machiavelli’s advice to leaders is as contemporary as tomorrow.” [Ledeen, 2000, pp. 185] He laments that contemporary Western leaders, “like their counterparts in the rest of the world, have fallen short of Machiavelli’s standards.” [Ledeen, 2000, pp. 187] According to Ledeen, “[I]f new and more virtuous leaders do not emerge, it is only a matter of time before we are either dominated by our enemies or sink into a more profound crisis.” [Ledeen, 2000, pp. 187] Such a situation, he explains, would put the US in the “same desperate crisis that drove Machiavelli to call for a new dictator to set things aright.” He adds, “In either case, we need Machiavellian wisdom and leadership.” [Ledeen, 2000, pp. 188] Throughout the book Ledeen highlights certain qualities that he believes make strong leaders. A leader “must be prepared to fight at all times,” he writes, and must be of “manly vigor.” Women, he says, are rarely strong leaders because women generally cannot achieve virtue for they lack the “physical wherewithal and the passionate desire to achieve” military glory. To Ledeen, the ends may justify the means. In some situations, “[i]n order to achieve the most noble accomplishments, the leader may have to ‘enter into evil.’” [Ledeen, 2000, pp. 90] According to Ledeen, the Christian god sanctions this view. Machiavelli, he notes approvingly, wrote: “I believe that the greatest good that one can do, and the most gratifying to God is that which one does for one’s country.” Ledeen thus adds: “Since it is the highest good, the defense of the country is one of those extreme situation in which a leader is justified in committing evil.” [Ledeen, 2000, pp. 117]
Entity Tags: Michael Ledeen
Timeline Tags: Events Leading to Iraq Invasion, Neoconservative Influence
They all remain as players even after all these years and chaos they have caused. All continuing to work in the shadows of the background bringing the world closer to the brink. Ladeen emerges as an example of their common concerted ideology and agenda. His co-authoring a book with General Flynn is simply one case of their insidious efforts to undermine and thwart world peace. General Flynn is a dangerous tool to be manipulated and Ladeen once again made an excellent diabolical choice. The General that said "So it's a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them. Actually it's quite fun to fight them, you know. It's a hell of a hoot. It's fun to shoot some people." Many defend his statement with the context in which it was said. I find that it is indefensible. The context is exactly and entirely
Machiavellian. Read what Ladeen wrote.
This is what he wrote with General Flynn:
I agree, a must read! An absolutely chilling must read. What world will we have when "we" Finally Win the War on Terror? There is no final end game win called peace for us all. There is only a continuing win for those that perpetuate it and benefit from it. Continuing to win is......winning...as long as the war continues. Assuring it never ends in peace is their strategy.
Diana Furchtgott-Roth wrote the review. A new generation marches on with the neo conservative agenda.
Insight to the character of General Flynn:
Exactly the best chosen tool that Ladeen could pick. The loosest biggest cannon in the field of fire.
Trump is the bigger tool: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-12-28/trump-slams-obama-inflammatory-statements-tells-israel-jan-20-fast-approaching
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