Sunday, October 9, 2016

Fear Based Voting - Lesser of Two Evils - TINA? Yes There Is! Especially in Some States That Do Not Matter

Update 16 Oct:  Freedom from fear of voting third party in protest!

Update 15 Oct:
Hope for a more meaningful alternative to TINA!  Reported at Russian Television!
 Oregon!  Hope! Game not over: Bernie Sanders could slip ‘write-in’ to presidential election victory 

I protest Bernie's statement that now is not the time for a protest vote (for Bernie)!  It's Oregon, its my vote and I will not be fear driven!

In general it seems that fear based social motivators have been on a long term trending increase.  Like turning up the heat to boil a frog.  At some point the frog wakes up and exclaims: "This is really getting hot".  The increase is insidious.  Insidious is a word I have rarely used.  Maybe twice in ten years?  It is appropriate.  A creeping trend of cumulative change of an adverse nature.  Stealth change driven by.....what?......dark forces?  Forces that are a function of planned design or human sub-conscience expression by those that find it an excellent tool of control on the micro (wife beating) or macro (war ) level.

Enough of the big picture thinking about "Fear Based Motivators" They are in play at both increasing and decreasing rates depending on the object of examination and its effect on all of us as the the receiving subject receiving and reacting to their power.

Do people in general fear God less now than before?  Do we have a fear factor that is constant that is simply redistributed as new things to fear displace old things to fear?  On the flip side:  Seems like we used to hate the Devil more.  Sorry, devil.  You have become a small "d" thing.  Something else is eating your lunch?  Perhaps more directly worldly than cycling through the mystical.

Cutting out the otherworldly middle man (or woman) of good and bad?

But I stray.

From what do I stray?

I stray from saying that there is an upside to Trump's self demolition foot in mouth death spiral.  The upside, at least one of the upsides is that he is going down in flames so gloriously that there is little fear of not voting for Hillary is not the serious problem of that it once was if a protest vote is cast for a third party that has as much of a chance of winning as Trump has now.

Where is the fear?   If the Clinton camp sees the fear of protest voting for a third party slipping away,  essentially gone by election day what are they going to do to stem the logic of a third party vote simply because voters don't like her, her past and her probable bait and switch to a champion of Wall Street and big business global corporatism as well as continuation of perpetual war.

Clinton camp strategy:  Beat the fear drums louder.  How loud do they have to be before voters realize that fear of not voting for Clinton is not an effective vote for Trump but a clear statement that a third party vote is a clear referendum on confidence in Hillary as the best we can do for a president?

Anybody that says this gets my protest vote.  Not anybody but anybody but Trump who will say anything.
That is a rock bottom statement about how she stands on the most important issue today.  For those that do not get it:  Saying war led to failed states means we should not be doing it and something must be done about it.  If a third party vote is free from fear that it is a vote for Trump I vote it as a protest vote.  If Hillary said this I would vote for her.

Big problem for Hillary if the general perception is that a protest vote for a third party does not have any chance of being, in effect, a vote for Trump.  There is no downside for protest voting for a third party.  The spin machine must go into overtime generating fear that Trump would win, the race is close.  Keep in mind that some states do not even matter in the electoral college selection negating a protest third party vote a de facto vote for Trump.  That is a fear free fact for people that would want to vote their conscientious objection to the bipartisan war parties.

Do all states really matter?  I think not.  Some are safer from fear from the lesser of two evils and TINA.

Jill Stein:  I would support this with my protest vote:

Instead of continuing to pour gasoline on this fire, we need to take a stand on behalf of a weapons embargo to all parties, since our weapons are getting into the hands of all parties. We need to impose a freeze on the bank accounts of our allies that are continuing to fund terrorist enterprises, and to work with the Turks, who are our ally—in name, at least—to close down their border to the flow of terrorist militias across their border. That is the contribution that we need to make.

"What have we achieved with this endless war? Failed states, mass refugee migrations and worse terrorist threats. They are not getting better, whether you look at the Taliban, who are stronger, have more territory now than they did when we began fighting them some 16 years ago, whether you look at al-Qaeda, which has become a global movement, or ISIS. This doesn’t work, yet it’s costing us half of our discretionary budget and almost half of your income taxes. So, it’s very important that we have a new offensive in the Middle East. We call it a peace offensive. And it begins with a weapons embargo and with a freeze on the bank accounts of our allies, like Saudi Arabia, if they continue to insist on funding terrorist enterprises around the world. 

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