Thursday, July 21, 2016

Watt4Bob Comments on a Suspicion
Watt4Bob comments on one of his suspicions with some clearly probable ideas that Big USA oil is sucking up foreign supplies so that the USA will have the corner on the market when all is reduced elsewhere.  Seems too reasonable.  Like writing on the wall.  What are his other pet theories?  I hope to find comment on them in the future.  There is a general meme that companies do not plan any farther ahead than immediate future returns on investment.  Maybe not so for Big Oil or Big anything like Big Pharma or Big Finance.  For example:  Planning for Regulatory Capture by a primary business sector probably has a long time frame?  10 years?  20 Years?  Look how it has benefited Big Business in the USA as well as being on the threshold of benefiting Big Business globally with TPP.

A significant feature of TPP is regulatory capture called Investor State Dispute Settlement.  Note: This is a .gov site!

If Big Business entities have a long range plans then why has the Big Business Party taken such a drastic turn??????  The grass is greener on the other side of the fence?  Leave the old name behind to be claimed by "The People" as represented by Trump?  Talk about regulatory capture!  It is like pirates capturing an enemy ship and transferring operations to it because it is better armed  and faster!

Does that sound like a reasonable suspicion?

How about this for confirmation:  When the Chamber of Commerce jumps ship maybe there is a plan for the new ship to steer a new course in service of Big Privateers??????

"The president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday signaled that the big-business community is still undecided between newly minted Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton. Chamber President Tom Donohue’s statements to Fox Business News on Wednesday morning represented an astonishing break from the organization’s nearly invariable support for Republican candidates...........Chief among Donohue’s complaints about Trump was his opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).........The Chamber spent tens of millions of dollars backing GOP candidates and attacking President Barack Obama during the 2010 and 2012 election cycles..........Donohue has also suggested that presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton would implement the TPP — a major chamber priority — despite her current position of opposing the agreement.........The Chamber has been almost invisible at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland."

How visible will the CofC be at the Democratic Convention.  Who will be in the smoke filled backroom?

The fix is in????????

What Would Watt4Bob say is the writing on the wall here?

How about this for a turn of position for the GOP?  Jumping to a new ship?

The more I look at the Jump Ship Strategy the more it looks like the Writing on the Wall is emerging from the Fog of War!
"One other thing to think about is what effect this has on the Republican base. In the past few days I have heard from three different longtime Republicans, in three different states, that they had switched their party registration from "Republican" to "no party." That's a major psychological step, and it can be the first step on the road to voting for the other party."

I think "The Base" never really mattered anyhow.  It only mattered to get the vote and the base of choice was the collective "whoever" that could be pandered to in order to get the vote.  Haters are as good as Conservative Christians.

What is the real Base the GOP wants to appeal to?  Maybe the view from afar nails it:  The politics of fear.  Proven to work on the masses to serve agenda.  9/11 for example.

Big Oil says this????  A public statement revealing the secret plan to jump ship?
"That may sound strange considering the two parties’ diverse platforms when it comes to energy. The Republican party is touting deregulation and has said that it does not support the Paris Climate Accords. Going a few steps further, the party has plans to defund renewable energy, and open public lands and the outer continental shelf to drilling. Additionally, the party also wants to leave the regulation of fracking and drilling to the states, and increase oil and gas exports.
Conversely, the Democrats are calling for an 80 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and oppose the expansion of oil and gas production. They also want to phase down energy production on public lands. The party supports the inquiries into the alleged “climate change cover-up” by Exxon Mobil, and wants to see the nation using only renewable energy by the middle of the century."

WTF??  Watch what is being done not what is being said.  What is being said today by the Democrats is not what will be done to satisfy Big Oil in the future.  Bait to get the vote then switch to get the Special Interest contributions?

Big Finance jumping the GOP ship and bringing their "dual class voting" strategy with them to the Democratic Party?  Perhaps the dual class voting strategy works better when there is really only one party.  That is the step beyond "bi-partisanship"?  Dual class stock voting?  Already been there done that for the political vote system.  Big Money in one class, everyone else in the other.
Update on this:  NYT pulled it!!!!  It was secret strategy??!!

Maybe it all makes simple sense?

Why should Big Special Interests Sectors pay off contributions to both parties to hedge their bets on one party.  Why not set it up to just pay one political party by completely abolishing the possibility of the other party to elect a president?  However, what about all the other elected officials of the Republican party in the Legislative Branch?  What is the plan for them?  Do they become more "bi-partisan" to the Big Business agenda of the Democratic headed by Hillary?

The fix is in?

TPP will tell...........

It can be a win-win for Hillary.  She can cave on the ISDS and claim the bi-partisan support that Obama never had to pass TPP.  As long as she caves with the secret provision of weasel words or plan to have ISDS become some de-facto after the fact accomplishment.  Having the cake and eating it too.  That is what being the one and only party in a two party political system is all about.

When Michael Hudson says there has been a roll reversal in the Republican Party and Democratic Party politics from a party of Big Business vs a party of the People then I have to believe it is true!

Watt4Bob does not have suspicions.... ....he has a crystal ball.  Michael Hudson too.

Hudson says:

"And when he wrote this, quote, Trump is decimating the things Republicans stood for: NATO, entitlement reform, in other words winding back Social Security, and support of the corporatist Trans-Pacific Partnership. So it’s almost hilarious to see what happens. And Trump also has reversed the traditional Republican fiscal responsibility austerity policy, that not a word about balanced budgets anymore. And he said he was going to run at policy to employ American labor and put it back to work on infrastructure. Again, he’s made a left runaround Hillary. He says he wants to reinstate Glass-Steagall, whereas the Clintons were the people that got rid of it.............So this is really the class war. And it’s the class war of Wall Street and the corporate sector of the Democratic side against Trump on the populist side."

OMG: Trump favors all the same things I do!!!!  But it is only in what he says.

Bill Moyers, who is my hero says:
"Donald Trump has hitched his presidential wagon to the pain of the white working class, though far more rhetorically than substantively................But the sad reality is that his campaign represents nothing more than yet another cynical political ploy to tap the racial anxiety and economic despair felt by white working-class men. It is a salve to soothe with no real medicine for healing the underlying wound................For despite the platform language and Hillary Clinton’s stated positions, the Democratic Party hasn’t been talking to the working class. The words “working class” seem all but erased from the Democratic lexicon — "

The Koch brothers support Clinton?

Both political parties are saying one thing but will do another.  Saying anything to get the vote.

Watt4Bob does indeed see the writing on the wall and reads it clearly:

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