Saturday, April 9, 2016

Following Money Through Following Transactions

The prior blog entry proposed a Monetary System Structure Model where Digital Currency itself could be traced by viewing it on the basis of Digital Currency being the Fixed Record and the owning Account being variable.

Current tracing is done exclusively based on the Account being the fixed record and Digital Currency expressed as an On Hand Balance related to Transactions between Accounts.

The prior entry concluded with the idea that Transactions could be viewed as a fixed record related to variable Accounts and variable Single Uniquely Identified Units of Currency Value.

Creating the ability to view Transactions as a fixed record and the analyze its relationship to variable Currency and Account entities is an emerging thing riding into the established system on the back of the Blockchain currency system based on the validity of proving Transactions therefore making Transactions as good as money.....or the Currency of the Monetary System.

What if we could select any given transaction in the blockchain digital monetary system and search on this question:  Tell me every Account and Unit of Digital Currency to which this transaction is related to in the historical blockchain history of all Accounts and All Currency Units?

The result would be a lot of data!

What management or investigative data would be possible?

Subject to privacy and right/need to know of course.

Up pops a new object entity player in the Digital Monetary System Design:  Privacy.  A new entity subject to blockchain management and unique identification at the entity ownership granular level of privacy.  The ultimate granular level of Privacy of Digital Currency ownership is a Human Being.  Call that entity the Beneficial Owner.  Money means nothing if it is not ultimately owned and used by a Human Being as a medium of exchange that benefits them?

Applying this monetary system model to the Panama Papers would send the cockroaches scurrying for cover with no place to hide!

It would certainly help to clean our own house:
"Activists are fighting for change. Global Witness and other groups fighting tax evasion advocate for "The Incorporation Transparency and Law Enforcement Assistance Act (H.R. 4450 and S. 2489),"  which would "require all American companies, with a number of exceptions, to disclose the real people who own or control them when they are formed, and to keep that information updated."

In the bigger picture the structure model of a new Monetary System has already been established in hindsight by the NSA.  Owners and receivers of communication transactions.  All having unique identity attributes as well as associated time and place attributes and value of exchange medium.

It is just application of "Total Information All The Time" enabled by technology.

Perhaps the lowest common denominator is that it all boils down to focus on the individual human being.  Both communications and money are unique social conceptual structures created by human beings.  All traceable to the individual level in a top down breakdown of any aggregate level of people to their individually unique interaction with the communication system and value of content or the money system and value of ownership and exchanges of money and communication content.

Is this model true of other uniquely human social structure models?



Certain religions is premised on an all knowing entity.  How does that entity organize their view and what supreme ability does it have to take any chosen view for a closer look.  What are the constants and variables can be manipulated to serve any given view of humans in that system?

In the beginning humans wanted the power of that supreme view.

We seem to be getting it as we create it. The power of that view is owned by a few of us.  Privacy for me but not for thee.....

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