Monday, March 16, 2015

Blockchain Of Things. (BoT)

There is much talk about the Internet of Things (IoT).  Much of it relates to security fears.  This link is an example:

"What we have he-ya is a fail-ya to com-mun-cate."  

Yes, indeed!

A stealth insertion of communication that subverts legitimate communication.  Theft in other words, actually.  If thieves self identify themselves as they commit the crime the their security becomes compromised and it is they that fear.  Shoe on the other foot!  As it should be.

BoT is a way to put the shoe on the other foot.  The model for this is:  

"Citizens should not fear the government.  Government should fear its citizens."

What's fear?  Fear is forward looking and its degree of probability that an adverse action will be taken against a person that has cause to fear.  Freedom from fear is an ideal and fundamental human right.

Crime and Punishment is backward looking justice.  War is forward looking justice that retores the norm of peace.  Fear operates in either case.  Who fears whom and why and the causal factors are a fascinating thing to analyze.

While the IoT offers opportunity for the bad guys to do evil, the BoT is the control device that assures both the absolute probability that crime will be detected and perpetrators identified for punishment.  When you can't get away with it what is the motivation to try?

BoT establishes the truth of things and actions over time in a conceptual system of things and actions between them are a exact model of things and actions in the real world.

This is where physical security systems that I have previously blogged often about in this blog that is basically money oriented takes on the analogy of control that I seek in the monetary system.  In that domain, the NSA really does present a fundamentally broad block chain model in the physical real world domain.  Same as money or any other conceptual object in the abstracted structure of the conceptual domain.

The NSA Blockchain in the physical domain is the locking of real thing identity into a space and time blockchain record history.  A history that is both backward looking fact and forward looking probability as well as real time status.  

BoT application to the IoT where every "Thing" in the system is unique identified in real time and space as well as its interaction transactions with all other things in the system.  The real time truth of anything passes into the block chain of history.  

The granular unit of of interest to the NSA is a unique person.

The granular unit of interest in the broader conceptual world is the unit of value in the monetary system,

Much of what we have to fear in this world is related to money, not to what ISIS terrorists are going to do to us but what those that control the monetary system are doing to us.

Be afraid.  Apply BoT to every thing and it's interaction in time and be at peace.

BoT is the truth and the truth will set us free from fear of criminal abuse of the conceptual system we have created to serve us.  

"God made man but Samuel Colt made them equal."

The new Colt of the Information Age is the BoT.  It protects us defensively from abuse and is the weapon of offense to be used against abuse.  It is as quick on the draw as real time and is absolute in its accuracy.  It is the truth of a thing.  Each of us must be armed with it.  That essentially what Sir Tim Berners-Lee intends to establish by giving all of us an IP IPv6 identity on the WWW to control how we are used via information about us and how we use our identity to control
the honesty and promotion of the general welfare through the systems we have created.

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