Target Blue Eye is an interesting communications detection device aimed at detecting government agency band communications European standard called Tetra (Terrestrial Trunked Radio) in Europe. It only detects the presence of signals it does not convey any signal content. Presence, strength location, etc. is only meta data about a communication.
Police do not like Target Blue Eye equipped citizens
Target Blue Eye is promoted as a traffic safety device but its application is notify users of police presence like a radar detection speeding device.
Target Eye is generic communication sniffer. Like the modified Android that detects cell towers, unregistered interception cell tower spoofers used for surveillance. They only reveal metadata.
Tetra protocol differs from the nature of cell phone protocol in that Tetra is exclusively a government communication protocol. That is another piece of meta data information. It tells that whatever is transmitting the radio signal is a government entity.
Radio frequency waves are fundamentally like sound or light frequency waves that a humans can naturally detect. They are beyond the range of human detection so we have devices that can detect them for us, carry communication content and deliver it to us in a range that we can hear, see, read, etc.
Every wave length that a human can naturally detect within given distance ranges and situations should also be unrestricted and detectable by any device a person wishes to use to detect its presence and meta data related to its existence, but not content.
It is, perhaps, a passive "gun rights" issue as well as a right to privacy in our persons and papers issue. The right to be stated like this:
"The peoples right to detect any and all wave length transmissions is self evident and shall not be abridged"
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