Friday, March 23, 2012

Complexity - Simplicity

When a complex thing can be viewed in terms of its smallest component part then it is no longer so complex that it cannot be understood.  Once it is understood it can be managed, controlled, directed to be more effective, efficient; however that may be defined.  Depending on whatever constraints may be dictated by the smallest component, an entirely new and different system structure of complexity based on the smallest unit component may be created.  That new "big thing" might even appear to be something entirely different.  At least it may appear to be different to those that are totally unaware that what they perceive in their user view of the "big thing" is in fact just simply something new to them but its genesis goes back to the same fundamental building block of "big things" that are familiar to them.

The devil may be in the details.

God may also be in the details.  Down to the smallest part that is common to everything.  At that level it is also true that God exists in everything.  God is both the biggest and the smallest.  The beginning and the end.  All encompassing at the macro level.  All exclusionary at the micro level of the smallest unique unit of identifiable existence.

God is the greatest.  God is the smallest.

In the beginning and the end God is only one thing that has a relationship to no other thing.  By that definition God is nothing given the truth that one thing cannot exist without a relationship to another thing.  God is beyond space and time.

If my original statement is true that we can manipulate and manage a thing if we comprehend its smallest unit of structure then could God be managed by Man?


Only the purpose of God could be realized in the  applications created by Man using the time and space operating system created by God.

What God is as far as man is concerned and can understand in the space/time continuum in which we exist:  Unchangeable, constant binary of time and space. 

What God does:  Anything and everything in the universe.

What Man does:  Anything and everything in the universe that our intelligence makes possible. 

Purpose:  Maybe the most complex thought concept we can have in our heads. 

I felt pure purpose once when there were no other thoughts in my head.  That was a rare moment.  Maybe purpose is the one thing that has no smallest component building block part for us to discover? 


These are my birthday thoughts.

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